stichtingsem / technology-prototype

Source code for any services or APIs created in the technology track in Summer 2020
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Sem 16 usage api definitie #50

Closed mcginkel closed 3 years ago

mcginkel commented 3 years ago

Create first usage API.

edwinverwoerd commented 3 years ago

Hi Clifton,

I agree that requesting per week or month is a bit too much. We as MP are indeed obliged to report on the use due to the tender. Often it is about when the 1st time and when the last time. I think information about how often is more within the domain of progress. See also my comment on the issue

Met vriendelijke groet, Edwin Verwoerd Ketenarchitect The cleaner and fixer M: +31 6 290 964 00 www.iddinkgroup.com

From: Clifton Cunningham Sent: vrijdag 26 februari 2021 15:50 To: stichtingsem/technology-prototype Cc: Edwin Verwoerd; Review requested Subject: Re: [stichtingsem/technology-prototype] Sem 16 usage api definitie (#50)

@cliftonc commented on this pull request.

In reference/usage.v1.yaml

  • Retrieve the full usage based on a entitlement-id, needs to confirm that the caller is able to access either based on their provider information (they can only see their own usage) in the case of the provider scope.

These I struggle with - I had only envisaged usage at the unique level, not with varying aggregations. What would the usageDate be for 'weekly' or 'monthly' values? I think these aggregates should be different endpoints with a different shape.

I also think usage should be reflective of the entitlement - if an entitlement is at School level, we reflect usage at that level. Otherwise we are in a situation where we are sending more information about commercial usage than was shared with us (e.g. 100 for School X, and instead of receiving 98 for School X, you receive Student 1 ... 98).

Is there a support use case here where you really need to see (as MP) that student X specifically used the product? (as you can also see this in the LA itself).

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