sticilface / Adalight-ESP8266

Adalight for the Arduino ESP
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Open gdomod opened 8 years ago

gdomod commented 8 years ago

How do u connect the ESP8266 in linux as serial connection over wlan without usb or something ?

nccwarp9 commented 8 years ago

not sure what you want to do but to make ESP8266 act as serial bridge you can use ESP-LINK.

gdomod commented 8 years ago

hmm i want to connect openelec and ESP8266 with led stripes wireless.

nccwarp9 commented 8 years ago

that is what this code is for ...... ? Adalight-ESP8266 enables wifi connection ESP8266 board that is connected to led strips and hyperion. Hyperion is addon, I believe it is also available for openelec

gdomod commented 8 years ago

okay, nice! but how looks the hyperion configuration for conenction to esp8266 ?

nccwarp9 commented 8 years ago

sorry, I got it all wrong :) you do need to connect esp8266 directly to the computer for this to work but one way to go around that is to use arduino to control the leds and esp8266 to act as serial bridge. I used a com to tcp emulator on windows machine to send data from com port to desired ip address.

gdomod commented 8 years ago

can we combine with and socat PTY,link=/dev/vmodem0,raw,echo=0,waitslave TCP4:XXX:23


nccwarp9 commented 8 years ago

that project looks like ESP-LINK ( Ive used esp-link before and it has really good web gui for setup. Check it out

sticilface commented 8 years ago

Can hyperion put out signal over WiFi, I think I looked into it but there was no joy? Using a bridging adapter as you are discussing here is an option, Pi -> uartbridge -> WiFi -> ESP8266... but this all seemed rather complicated for a device that is sitting by the TV, with a usb port. so i took the easy route.

I'm not sure how suitable the ESP8266 is at the moment for streaming stuff like this. I've written a basic UDP to WS2812 program as well, it the ESP8266-WiFi (also has lots of other modes, including adalight) but it falls over a lot when UDP is streaming. Some other people have had issues with UDP though, as well. But i've not tried it for a while. Been busy with other stuff.