stig / ox-jira.el

Org-mode export backend for JIRA markup
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Snake case words are treated as a special syntax #53

Closed natecox closed 2 years ago

natecox commented 4 years ago


When exporting any text containing snake_cased words (common in development, devops, etc) a special syntax seems to be applied.


if I have text which looks like this:


it gets exported to look like this:


and is rendered by jira like this: image


I'm not sure what is triggering this syntax, but if this is expected behavior is there also an intended workaround?

I know that I can use verbatim (i.e., =this_is_a_test=) to bypass the problem, but I don't necessarily want monospaced text in all circumstances.

natecox commented 4 years ago

looks like I can just add #+options: ^:nil to the document header and it will turn off super/subscript. That's adequate for me.

stig commented 3 years ago

You're right that this is annoying though. I keep forgetting about it myself, and I use snake-case in identifiers a lot more than I use it for subscript/superscript. I wonder if the default can be flipped?

natecox commented 3 years ago

So I've looked for a way to change the default here and haven't found much luck. What I ended up doing was adding #+options: ^:nil to my setup file and just including it with all of my org mode docs via #+setupfile:

I still have to remember to actually add the setup file, but it's more likely that I'll include than than remember to turn superscript off. I'm still trying to find a way to add that setup file to all org docs by default.

edit to include: my next step here is adding something for auto-insert-mode to do this for me.

stig commented 3 years ago

I just looked into this a little bit, and found that if you use #+options: ^:{} you can still use a_{b} to get a subscript, but a_b will be a literal underscore. You can also set org-export-with-sub-superscripts to {} to get this effect. (Or make that variable nil to turn off special handling completely.)

I'm considering make {} the default for ox-jira.el -- if it's not too much effort :-) (I don't know how to go about it yet.)

stig commented 3 years ago

While mulling it over, I'm putting this in my config: (setq org-export-with-sub-superscripts '{}).

natecox commented 3 years ago

Oh good catch on the curly braces there, I hadn't seen that. I'll be setting my default to that as well.