stigi / MountainGrowl

Growl Display Plugin for Mountain Lions Notification Center
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Application icon is not forwarded #1

Open stigi opened 12 years ago

stigi commented 12 years ago


The icon of the origin application is not appearing in notification center. This is due to the face that the user notifications are actually send by the Growl application and not the origin application.

Possible Solutions

Dynamic applications

Create an proxy application that has the same icon as the origin application.

Private API

There's a method +[NSUserNotificationCenter _centerForBundleIdentifier:] in the class dumped headers of Foundation.framework. Maybe this can be used to change the origin of the user notification to the origin application.

With both approaches there might be issues with application sandboxing (as Growl is distributed thru the app store).

tripplet commented 12 years ago

Hi maybe its possible to replace the Growl.framework of apps with a modified one and create the notification center message from inside the app this way. But I'm not sure if this is possible. There is a tool to update the framework called "Growl Version Detective".

tripplet commented 12 years ago

Found it, someone else already did this:

oskarkrawczyk commented 12 years ago

Wouldn't this make apps bought from the App Store unusable? Would they even launch?

tripplet commented 12 years ago

I'm not familiar with the details of code signing of applications from the app store, but usually your mac should execute unsigned code ;-) Not sure with gatekeeper though. I testet it with this and it worked. (gatekeeper is set to "app store and verified developer" on my mac)

stigi commented 12 years ago

Replacing the Growl.framework inside of apps is not the intention of this project. If we find a way to dynamically create an App bundle for each App & fire the notification from there this could work though.

stigi commented 12 years ago

Here's a script to create a simple Mac App:

stigi commented 12 years ago

FYI: There's a new kid on the block called Bark that manages to do the app icon trick. Don't know how they did it yet, but am eager to find out :)