stijnwop / hoseSystem

Hose system modification for Farming Simulator 2017
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Error: Running LUA method 'update'. #28

Closed knuuud closed 6 years ago

knuuud commented 6 years ago

This issue occurs when this mod is added , and the cause is a script Xentro has made for updating specifications on a upcomming mod. Error: Running LUA method 'update'. H:/Dropbox/FarmingSimulator/Dedi17/FS17_hoseSystem/specializations/HoseSystemRegister.lua:212: attempt to index local 'specializationNames' (a nil value) His answer was to add a check after line 211 if specializationNames ~= nil then but I can obviously not do that for every user that gets the conflict. Is this something you can add for the next update?

stijnwop commented 6 years ago

Mm, what script of Xentro are we talking about? So I can reproduce.

I sure can build in an extra check, no problem.

knuuud commented 6 years ago

It's a not yet released script. It's for having the possibility to release a mod with only standard giants specializations for consoles, and than this works as a PC addon where you can add custom scripts to the same machine without releasing it twice.

stijnwop commented 6 years ago

Alright, sounds interesting. Will build in the check. ;)

knuuud commented 6 years ago

If it works as well in practice as in theory it will be a good way to get custom scripts on the machines without users having to edit them. It does the job here, but if Giants accepts the setup is a another matter Thanks :)

stijnwop commented 6 years ago

Commited the fix.