stijnwop / hoseSystem

Hose system modification for Farming Simulator 2017
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dynamic parkreferences #65

Open moep0710 opened 5 years ago

moep0710 commented 5 years ago

when parking a hose it should be possible to store it in another way than just straight.

Maybe defining 5 Points in the vehicle xml to adjust the hoses to.

Workaround: Adding a hose-mesh to your vehicle and toggle visibility when adding the hose

stijnwop commented 5 years ago

Euhm, perhaps you have not really looked around that much. But you can park the hose however you want.. so with curves.

Look at the kaweco DTS for example: It's def not the only mod around.

Also adding a replacement mesh is inefficient.

stijnwop commented 5 years ago

Also, if you looked at the feature list you would have noticed.

moep0710 commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I should have showed you what I mean or describe it better. Here are 2 Screenshots:

  1. Like it should be
  2. like it is

I think using Offset does not support something like I'm interested in. screenshot 697 screenshot 696

moep0710 commented 5 years ago

It would be much easier to define a start and endNode and one middleNode (used by component1 to align).

4 meter screenshot 698 3 meter :( screenshot 699