stil / gif-endec

PHP GIF encoder and decoder
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Call to a member function setOffset() on null #12

Open Gabriel416 opened 6 years ago

Gabriel416 commented 6 years ago

Hello I am having issues with the Decoder giving me the error of 'Call to a member function setOffset() on null'

I am receiving a base64 string from the front end, converting that string to a gif image and then writing that image to a folder. Everything seems to work fine until I hit the Decoder. here is my code below.

        public function video(Request $request) {

                $date = Carbon::now()->format('m-d-Y');

                // split the string on commas
                // $data[ 0 ] == "data:image/png;base64"
                // $data[ 1 ] == <actual base64 string>
                $data = explode( ',', $request->image);
                $image = Image::make($data[1])->encode('gif');
                $fileName = uniqid() . '.' . 'gif';
                $location = 'uploads/' . $fileName;

                $gifStream = new FileStream($location);

                 //Create Decoder instance from MemoryStream

                $gifDecoder = new Decoder($gifStream);

                //Create Renderer instance

                $gifRenderer = new Renderer($gifDecoder);

                $gifRenderer->start(function (FrameRenderedEvent $event) {
                    //Convert frame index to zero-padded strings (001, 002, 003)
                    $paddedIndex = str_pad($event->frameIndex, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                    // Write frame images to directory
                    imagepng($event->renderedFrame, "uploads/frame{$paddedIndex}.png");
                return 'ok';