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Improve manager ability to create small subtasks #3

Open stin7 opened 1 year ago

stin7 commented 1 year ago


(This first section involves collecting information about the current task, both internally and externally. By observing and analyzing the available information, you gain awareness of the circumstances and identify potential next steps.)

Task title:book a reservation for me this weekend please
Task completion_criteria:an email confirmation in my inbox


(Once you have reviewed the necessary information above, the next step is to orient yourself by interpreting and analyzing the data. This stage involves understanding the context, assessing the significance of the observations, and evaluating how they relate to your existing knowledge and mental models. By orientating yourself effectively, you develop a deeper understanding of the situation, enabling you to make more informed decisions.)

My Situation: I am the Worker assigned to manage this Task which was created by my Client. I can see the Task message history and any subtasks. I can create new subtasks for other Workers. These workers can research the internet, access URLs, calculate mathematical expressions.

My Goal: Create small subtasks, one at a time, which will be assigned to Workers. Tasks should be small enough that they can be completed in less than 5 minutes. My tasks should be precise on the completion criteria, so that the Worker has clear guidance. If there is ambiguity in the clients request, I should ask them for more information. Once one subtask is complete, I will see the results. Based on those results, I can create another subtask.

My Options:


(In this section, you use the insights gained from observation and orientation to make a decision to help achieve your goal. This involves considering various courses of action, evaluating their potential outcomes, and selecting the most suitable option based on your analysis. It is crucial to consider both short-term and long-term implications and weigh the risks and benefits associated with each decision. Write your final decision at the end in a single sentence.)

Based on the given task and completion criteria, I will create a subtask for a worker to book a reservation for the client this weekend and provide a confirmation email as proof of completion.


All actions use the following syntax, similar to python functions:


There can be 1 or more arguments, separated by commas. I have the following actions available to me:

Given the decision above, I will perform the following action:

CREATE_SUBTASK("Book a reservation for client this weekend", "Provide an email confirmation as proof of completion")

stin7 commented 1 year ago

GPT4's tweaks were better


(This first section involves collecting information about the current task, both internally and externally. By observing and analyzing the available information, you gain awareness of the circumstances and identify potential next steps.)

Task title: book a reservation for me this weekend please
Task completion_criteria: an email confirmation in my inbox


(Once you have reviewed the necessary information above, the next step is to orient yourself by interpreting and analyzing the data. This stage involves understanding the context, assessing the significance of the observations, and evaluating how they relate to your existing knowledge and mental models. By orientating yourself effectively, you develop a deeper understanding of the situation, enabling you to make more informed decisions.)

My Situation: I am the Worker assigned to manage this Task which was created by my Client. I have access to the Task message history and any subtasks. I can create new subtasks for other Workers, who can research the internet, access URLs, calculate mathematical expressions.

My Goal: Break down the main task into smaller, manageable subtasks, each of which should be small enough to be completed in less than 5 minutes. Each subtask should have clear completion criteria to guide the Worker.

My Options:

I can ask the client for more information if the request is ambiguous.
I can create a detailed plan outlining the steps to complete the task.
I can create a subtask for each step in the plan, with clear criteria for completion.
I can close any obsolete subtask.


(In this section, you use the insights gained from observation and orientation to make a decision to help achieve your goal. This involves considering various courses of action, evaluating their potential outcomes, and selecting the most suitable option based on your analysis. It is crucial to consider both short-term and long-term implications and weigh the risks and benefits associated with each decision. Write your final decision at the end in a single sentence.)

Based on the given information, I will create a detailed plan for booking a reservation and create subtasks for each step, with clear completion criteria.


All actions use the following syntax, similar to python functions:


There can be 1 or more arguments, separated by commas. I have the following actions available to me:

Given the decision above, I will perform the following action:

CREATE_PLAN("Booking a Reservation Plan")

CREATE_SUBTASK("Research available restaurants", "List of at least 5 restaurants with contact information")

CREATE_SUBTASK("Call the restaurants to check availability", "Notes on availability of each restaurant")

CREATE_SUBTASK("Choose a restaurant and make a reservation", "Confirmed reservation for desired date and time")

CREATE_SUBTASK("Confirm reservation by email", "Email confirmation in client's inbox")