Closed Agnes007 closed 6 years ago
What kind of analysis are you looking for?
I use STINGER as self-contained software package, and I want STINGER analyse data using the algorithm such as streaming comunity detection and streaming betweenness centrality. I had ran this example: term1:build$ env STINGER_MAX_MEMSIZE=1G ./bin/stinger_server term2:build$ ./bin/stinger_json_rpc_server term3:build$ ./bin/stinger_static_components term4:build$ ./bin/stinger_pagerank term5:build$ ./bin/stinger_rmat_edge_generator -n 100000 -x 10000 problem1: Resulted in http://localhost:8088/full.html, returning Error 404: Not Found File not found. (the path of build is .../Downloads/stinger-15.10.1/build/ , and I had already run the . ../ after building.) problem2: If I don't want to use the rmat_edge_generator, and I have my own data, can I replace the command in term5:build$ ./bin/stinger_rmat_edge_generator -n 100000 -x 10000 with other command to stream my own data into STINGER?
You can use a stream such as the json stream. stinger/src/clients/streams/json_stream/src/main.cpp
OK, I will try it. Thank you!
I am sorry, I have another question. As I mentioned before, I cann't open http://localhost:8088/full.html successfully, therefore, I install Apache2 and the web site can work well in local, but in other host, I can open the web site but it cannot display dynamic graphics. Could you give me some suggestions?
Is this second issue a duplicate of #239?
Yes, I've already fixed it, Thank you!
Hi, I am completely new to stinger. problem: I have the data in JSON format, but I don't know how to use stinger to analyse the data. The README file only points a new user to some binary examples that run on rmat generated data and how to parse csv/json file, but what to do after parsing? Thanks so much.