stingergraph / stinger

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Making change to StingerBatch message #251

Closed abasak24 closed 6 years ago

abasak24 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Sorry this is a question related to the StingerBatch protocol buffer message. I am unfamiliar with the protobuf and I am unsuccessful in making a change to the StingerBatch message even after studying some online resource on protobuf. I want to add a new field of type double to the StingerBatch (in addition to the already existing ones such as keep_alive, version, etc). I notice that StingerBatch is a message defined in the stinger-batch.proto file. However, I added the new field (and recompiled STINGER) int he .proto file but the generated .pb.h and files did not reflect the change.

Could you provide some suggestions as to how to add a new field to a protocol buffer message and compile it properly for STINGER?

Thank you!

abasak24 commented 6 years ago

The issue is solved. Thank you.