stivella / Reese_Jones.jl

Replication files for Rees-Jones, Alex. 2017. "Mistaken Play in the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm: Implications for Positive Assortative Matching." American Economic Review, 107 (5): 225-29.
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running project #1

Open floswald opened 2 years ago

floswald commented 2 years ago
➜  Reese_Jones.jl git:(main) julia --project=.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.7.1 (2021-12-22)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

(Reese_Jones_with_functions) pkg> instantiate
    Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
    Updating git-repo ``
   Installed Gumbo_jll ────── v0.10.2+0
   Installed StructArrays ─── v0.6.4
   Installed PlotUtils ────── v1.1.3
   Installed Crayons ──────── v4.1.1
   Installed StaticArrays ─── v1.3.3
   Installed ChainRulesCore ─ v1.11.6
   Installed libvorbis_jll ── v1.3.7+1
   Installed DataFrames ───── v1.3.2
   Installed Documenter ───── v0.27.12
  Downloaded artifact: Gumbo
  Downloaded artifact: libvorbis
    Updating `~/git/bocconi-projects/Reese_Jones.jl/Project.toml`

julia> using Reese_Jones_with_functions.jl
[ Info: Precompiling Reese_Jones_with_functions [fc86d3ce-bc47-40af-92f0-11f7bbe96ce5]
ERROR: UndefVarError: jl not defined

julia> using Reese_Jones_with_functions

julia> include("Reese_Jones_with_functions.jl")
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Distributions not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Distributions")` to install the Distributions package.

 [1] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:967
 [2] include(fname::String)
   @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:451
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[4]:1
in expression starting at /Users/74097/git/bocconi-projects/Reese_Jones.jl/Reese_Jones_with_functions.jl:28

(Reese_Jones_with_functions) pkg> st
     Project Reese_Jones_with_functions v0.1.0
      Status `~/git/bocconi-projects/Reese_Jones.jl/Project.toml`
  [35d6a980] ColorSchemes v3.16.0
  [5ae59095] Colors v0.12.8
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.3.2
  [35a29f4d] DocumenterTools v0.1.13
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.25.6
  [9a3f8284] Random

(Reese_Jones_with_functions) pkg> add Distributions
   Resolving package versions...
   Installed Distributions ─ v0.25.41
    Updating `~/git/bocconi-projects/Reese_Jones.jl/Project.toml`
  [31c24e10] + Distributions v0.25.41
    Updating `~/git/bocconi-projects/Reese_Jones.jl/Manifest.toml`
  [b429d917] + DensityInterface v0.4.0
  [31c24e10] + Distributions v0.25.41
  [1a297f60] + FillArrays v0.12.7
  [90014a1f] + PDMats v0.11.5
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.4.2
  [79098fc4] + Rmath v0.7.0
  [276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v2.0.0
  [4c63d2b9] + StatsFuns v0.9.14
  [efe28fd5] + OpenSpecFun_jll v0.5.5+0
  [f50d1b31] + Rmath_jll v0.3.0+0
  [4607b0f0] + SuiteSparse
  [05823500] + OpenLibm_jll
Precompiling project...
  ✓ Reese_Jones_with_functions
  32 dependencies successfully precompiled in 47 seconds (121 already precompiled)
  1 dependency precompiled but a different version is currently loaded. Restart julia to access the new version

julia> include("Reese_Jones_with_functions.jl")

julia> analisi
18×13 DataFrame
 Row │ avgstudquality_1  avgstudquality_10  avgstudquality_2  avgstudquality_3  avgstudquality_4  avgstudquality_5  avgstudquality_6  avgs ⋯
     │ Float64           Float64            Float64           Float64           Float64           Float64           Float64           Floa ⋯
   1 │          48.8498            52.3144           49.1114           49.5509           49.807            50.2329           50.6749       ⋯
   2 │          45.3571            53.1986           48.6209           49.6222           50.5279           50.4018           51.0646
   3 │          43.6577            53.2273           47.3625           49.3311           50.2626           50.7951           51.9475
   4 │          42.0487            54.8563           46.2488           48.3027           50.1676           51.5245           51.8179
   5 │          41.1185            55.3301           45.5275           48.1228           49.6733           50.8991           52.4284       ⋯
   6 │          40.4685            56.1707           44.682            47.9179           49.1024           51.2852           52.5687
   7 │          47.948             52.51             49.2274           49.3165           49.3121           51.0477           50.6449
   8 │          27.6686            56.1597           42.4336           50.1067           53.2491           54.3198           54.7881
  ⋮  │        ⋮                  ⋮                 ⋮                 ⋮                 ⋮                 ⋮                 ⋮               ⋱
  12 │          28.2934            67.9249           33.1372           38.319            44.3423           49.6993           55.0049       ⋯
  13 │          48.5978            52.357            49.6198           49.2717           50.1114           50.0473           50.9708
  14 │          62.0608            49.7122           53.067            49.2359           48.4122           48.109            47.7115
  15 │          65.974             47.4385           57.0792           52.0724           48.9184           47.5062           46.8085
  16 │          66.5174            45.3554           58.8747           53.9218           50.5201           48.2374           46.6117       ⋯
  17 │          65.1624            44.6861           59.1705           54.9047           51.3675           48.4029           46.709
  18 │          62.1263            44.669            58.1248           54.5429           51.9849           49.4786           47.7136
                                                                                                                6 columns and 3 rows omitted

julia> p1

julia> p2a

julia> p2b

julia> p2c

floswald commented 2 years ago

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