Open mitochondrion opened 1 year ago
Good question! I looked at the docusaurus docs and didn't find anything immediately available to convert these to PDF/epub. That said, I'd happily take a PR on it if you had some inspiration on how it could be done!
I have a method that I use with our (jbrowse) docs to make PDF from docusaurus. Basically it uses the "sidebar.json" as a guide to creating the order of pages, and performing markdown->pdf using pandoc+latex. Possibly could do epub with pandoc too
Looks like sidebar in this repo doesn't provide as much order but same concept could possibly apply
The quick hacked-together version of this looks like
(run make in build directory)
creates this pdf
Some quick notes
-info boxes are not handled -some code boxes overflow -some tables are cramped
these are generally hard design constraints in latex that can probably get workarounds
I also use a "Figure component" in the markdown to allow figures to have captions. Markdown doesn't generally have a good notion of caption, just the only has alt text in square brackets, but in pandoc, the "alt text" becomes captions in pdf so I made the custom "Figure component" to render those same captions on the web
The content is great, but it would be nice if it could be read on an e-reader, which is highly preferable vs a mobile phone for long-form reading for some folks. Any plans to convert it? Epub would be great as it is standard and easily convertible to other formats. Thanks!