stjude / proteinpaint

Data visualization and analysis framework focused on phenotype-molecular data integration at cohort level.
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use Mds3 type to catch potential typescript errors early #1739

Closed siosonel closed 2 weeks ago

siosonel commented 2 weeks ago


in termdb/config route handler functions. NOTE: Line 156 of termdb.config.ts replicates a previous error, would need to be deleted before approving this PR. Also, need to address other type check errors.

@creilly8 I deleted the hicdata.genomes.ts route, please verify that's okay

To test:

CI results of first branch commit (NOTE: already fixed by subsequent commits): There were a bunch of type errors detected based on potentially undefined properties like termdb.cohort in the Mds3 type. Either use the ?. optional chaining syntax in the functions, or update the Mds3 termdb.cohort to always require a termdb.cohort property (maybe not the case)?


Check each task that has been performed or verified to be not applicable.