stkb / Rewrap

Rewrap extension for VSCode and Visual Studio
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Bullets / lists are not respected in comments that use `///` #370

Open akbyrd opened 1 year ago

akbyrd commented 1 year ago

In C++ files block comments that use /// will not have newlines for lists respected.

/// Foo
/// * A
/// * B

is wrapped into

/// Foo * A * B

This also occurs with ///!. All other block comment styles seem to work. /// and ///! are valid Doxygen formats.

OkkeHendriks commented 1 year ago

I have got the same issue (using F#).

gnbond commented 5 months ago

Would love to see a solution to this as well, our C++ Doxygen standard needs /// so

/// 2 accessors, both will throw if the buffer is empty:
/// - newest() 
/// - oldest() 

gets wrapped to

// / 2 accessors, both will throw if the buffer is empty: / - newest() / -
// oldest()