stkb / Rewrap

Rewrap extension for VSCode and Visual Studio
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Problem with empheq in in latex (using latex-workshop extension) #393

Open jonas-frey opened 6 months ago

jonas-frey commented 6 months ago

I'm using rewrap in combination with the latex-workshop extension when writing latex, with rewrap configured to auto-wrap after 80 columns.

In the MWE


Linear algebra serves as a foundational branch of mathematics that investigates
vector spaces and linear mappings between them. A vector space is a mathematical
more structure comprising vectors, which are elements that can be added together
and multiplied by scalars. These operations must satisfy specific properties
such as closure under addition and scalar multiplication, associativity, and the
existence of additive and multiplicative identity elements.
a+a\;=\; b
One key concept in linear algebra is the notion of a matrix, a rectangular array of numbers. Matrices play a crucial role in representing linear transformations and solving systems of linear equations. The fundamental operations involving matrices include addition, scalar multiplication, and matrix multiplication. The latter operation is particularly significant, showcasing non-commutativity in most cases.

rewrap works before the empheq block , but not after it. In longer documents, it seems like rewrap continues not to work throughout as soon as there's an empheq environment. It works when empheq is replaced by an equation environment. (empheq is a wrapper for equation-like environment that helps eg when theorem end marks are not set properly when a proof ends in an equation).