stkb / Rewrap

Rewrap extension for VSCode and Visual Studio
499 stars 58 forks source link

Won't wrap email text pasted in a Quarto listing (code fence) #400

Open fuhrmanator opened 2 months ago

fuhrmanator commented 2 months ago

Rewrap 1.16.3 in VSCode...

I have some plain text I want to wrap and it doesn't seem to work. It's in a markdown file (filetype is Markdown or Quarto, I can toggle).
CoPilot suggested this plug-in to me - I see it working in comments in a LaTeX file, so I know it's loaded, but it does absolutely nothing to wrap a long paragraph in a Quarto listing (I'm showing an email as a Listing in Quarto and want to wrap the paragraphs). I tried commenting them in Markdown (ctrl-/) but it doesn't do anything even when the paragraphs are a long comment.

```{#lst-my-listing lst-cap="caption is here"}
From: Me
To: Someone
Subject: blah

Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. Here is a really long line that I'd like to wrap. 

What am I missing? This extension has nothing but 5 stars so I know it's either my use-case or a conflict with other extensions.
fuhrmanator commented 2 months ago

I also tried copy/pasting the paragraphs in an empty file. No dice. If I change it to LaTeX and then make it a comment, it works. But this seems like such a stretch...