stko / oobd

OOBD- The Open Onboard Diagnostics Toolkit
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Windows Menu entry points to not existing java binary #209

Closed stko closed 8 years ago

stko commented 8 years ago

It seems, that if java.exe is not "known to Windows", means not in PATH or whereever, it appears that during the NSIS installing process, in a call like

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\OOBD\$menutype\OOBDesk.lnk" "java.exe" " -jar ...

Windows somehow replace the standalone java.exe against a complete path like c:\Windows\java.exe, which is unfortunately pure fantasy and causes a "file not found" error when trying to start OOBD

As workaround java is replaced by cmd.exe, and the java call itself moves as parameter into the the cmd call.

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\OOBD\$menutype\OOBDesk.lnk" "cmd" "/C java -jar ...