stko / oobd

OOBD- The Open Onboard Diagnostics Toolkit
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Feature Request: CANraw if new values for the same CAN-ID are transmitted they should be directly used #218

Open nexulm opened 8 years ago

nexulm commented 8 years ago

In CANraw p 6 3 $FFFF continoulsy mode a change of data values for the same CAN-ID should be used directly. Also if it effects a command line with several CAN-IDs. i.e. 0000012308112233445566778805 after 10s 0000012308123243546576879805

or 000001230811223344556677880500000345061122334455660A00000456041122334414 after 10s 000001230811233344656877980500000345061122334455660A00000456041324354614