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Join me as I venture through creating a public Drupal website with all the features we'd ever dream of. This is bound to include some highs and lows, but we'll tackle this thing head-on! This will serve as a public repository to share the development progress of our new website, built on Drupal and hosted on Pantheon.
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Course syllabi #50

Closed ElliotFriend closed 9 years ago

ElliotFriend commented 9 years ago

This is one of the pain points that we've not sorted out yet. Our old website would dynamically generate the syllabi page, based on what was contained in the directories. Currently, however, we had the syllabi up as a "Basic Page," just so we could ship it. I'm working on a longer-term solution today.

The specific challenge are as follows:

  1. How do we get the syllabi into the Live Pantheon environment? Formerly, we used a cronjob to scp the files at the top of every hour. Given that the Live Pantheon environment is available through SFTP, this is a potential option. However, since this is a cloud service the container is subject to change, and would therefore change the fingerprint, and likely stall the operation.
  2. How do we properly display the directory contents through Drupal? I absolutely don't want to use the PHP filter. It's bad enough we haven't figured out yet how to disable it's sparse use already. Adding one more thing to it is out of the question. I'm figuring a custom module could work reasonably well. Especially considering a lot of the work could be done for us using file_scan_directory() in Drupal.
ElliotFriend commented 9 years ago

We're really close on this one. I've successfully coded/tested the custom module on my local dev environment. Pushing to dev-pantheon now, to see how to roll it out. The trick will be deleting the existing page and enabling the new one quickly enough that nobody will be denied access.

ElliotFriend commented 9 years ago

Here's where the custom module lives: