stm32-hotspot / STM32H7-LwIP-Examples

Ethernet examples using LwIP + FreeRTOS for STM32H7 Discovery and Nucleo boards
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Example without RTOS #1

Open PAk-CatchFire opened 1 year ago

PAk-CatchFire commented 1 year ago

Hello. Is there any project example available for STM32H7 for lwip without RTOS?

Thank you

ABESTM commented 1 year ago

Hello @PAk-CatchFire,

thank you for your feedback. We will consider to add this example(s) to the repository. It could be quite difficult to create non-FreeRTOS variant for each board, but for one selected it could be possibility.

Please note that in package there are examples without FreeRTOS, although the STM32CubeMX project is not provided.

The main changes (compared to FreeRTOS enabled) should be:

  1. The MX_LWIP_Process() needs to be called periodically in the main loop
  2. The Ethernet interrupts should be disabled, since the communication is processed in main loop
  3. HAL_ETH_Start should be used in ethernetif.c (instead of HAL_ETH_Start_IT)
  4. Some APIs of LwIP (e.g. BSD sockets) are not available

Best regards, Adam Berlinger

PAk-CatchFire commented 1 year ago

Thank you @ABESTM Supposedly, in this post from a ST staff member, this issue was going to be solved in the last release. However, it is not clear to me how to get Lwip working with no FreeRTOS. Here is a link:

We are using a STM32H723. Best Regards

ABESTM commented 1 year ago


as I understood, the mentioned community post is about version 1.10.0 of the package which was already release. The package contains example for LwIP without FreeRTOS, e.g. here: I think this is the best starting point at the moment.

Best regards, Adam Berlinger

PAk-CatchFire commented 1 year ago

Thank you @ABESTM Is it possible to find this project using a CubeMX ioc file? It really speeds up the process.

Thank you

Zzaaacks commented 1 year ago

Hello there everyone, Do you have any updates on the matter?

Thanks for the support