stm32-hotspot / STM32H7-LwIP-Examples

Ethernet examples using LwIP + FreeRTOS for STM32H7 Discovery and Nucleo boards
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Modifications in LCD_DSI_CmdMode_DoubleBuffer file->main.c in LCD_DSI_Cmd_DoubleBuffer_CM7 #9

Open Multifalcon opened 7 months ago

Multifalcon commented 7 months ago

Line 283

if (USE_LCD_CTRL_NT35510 > 0) // ADDED

NT35510_IO_t IOCtx; // ADDED static NT35510_Object_t LCD_Obj; // ADDED and modified variable name

endif / USE_LCD_CTRL_NT35510 / // ADDED

if (USE_LCD_CTRL_OTM8009A > 0)

OTM8009A_IO_t IOCtx; static OTM8009A_Object_t LCD_Obj; // Modified variable name

endif / USE_LCD_CTRL_OTM8009A /

Line 383 IOCtx.Address = 0; IOCtx.GetTick = BSP_GetTick; IOCtx.WriteReg = DSI_IO_Write; IOCtx.ReadReg = DSI_IO_Read; OTM8009A_RegisterBusIO(&LCD_Obj, &IOCtx); // MOdified variable name Lcd_CompObj=(&LCD_Obj); // MOdified variable name OTM8009A_Init(Lcd_CompObj, OTM8009A_COLMOD_RGB888, LCD_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);

ABESTM commented 6 months ago

Hello @Multifalcon I assume this was entered to different repository than intended. None of the Ethernet examples should be using LCD display. If you agree I will close this issue. Best regards, Adam Berlinger

Multifalcon commented 6 months ago

Absolutely right, this modification, was written to fix a bug found in the LCD display, sorry, you can delete it. And thanks a lot. Best regards from Madrid Spain Manuel Orcera