Closed onemikedelta closed 4 years ago
I used SPI this afternoon on BP and it works. Which sketch you used? A Led is not a SPI peripheral so at 400 kHz it is not relevant.
I have tryed this basic code:
#include <SPI.h>
#define SPI1_NSS_PIN PA4 //SPI_1 Chip Select pin is PA4. You can change it to the STM32 pin you want.
#define SPI2_NSS_PIN PB12 //SPI_2 Chip Select pin is PB12. You can change it to the STM32 pin you want.
//SPIClass SPI_2(2); //un-comment this line in case you want to use the SPI_2 port.
byte data;
void setup() {
/* pinMode(PA4,OUTPUT);
SPI.begin(); //Initialize the SPI_1 port.
//SPI_2.begin(); //Initialize the SPI_2 port.
SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); // Set the SPI_1 bit order
//SPI_2.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); // Set the SPI_2 bit order
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); //Set the SPI_2 data mode 0
//SPI_2.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); //Set the SPI_2 data mode 0
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // Slow speed (72 / 16 = 4.5 MHz SPI_1 speed)
//SPI_2.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // Slow speed (72 / 16 = 4.5 MHz SPI_2 speed)
pinMode(SPI1_NSS_PIN, OUTPUT); // note: this must be after the SPI.begin() for gpio control of CSN
//pinMode(SPI2_NSS_PIN, OUTPUT); // note: this must be after the SPI_2.begin() for gpio control of CSN
void loop() {
digitalWrite(SPI1_NSS_PIN, LOW); // manually take CSN low for SPI_1 transmission
digitalWrite(SPI2_NSS_PIN, LOW); // manually take CSN low for SPI_2 transmission
data = SPI.transfer(0x55); //Send the HEX data 0x55 over SPI-1 port and store the received byte to the <data> variable.
//data = SPI_2.transfer(0x55); //Send the HEX data 0x55 over SPI-2 port and store the received byte to the <data> variable.
digitalWrite(SPI1_NSS_PIN, HIGH); // manually take CSN high between spi transmissions
digitalWrite(SPI2_NSS_PIN, HIGH); // manually take CSN high between spi transmissions
// delayMicroseconds(10); //Delay 10 micro seconds.
Also, digital pot control and barometric pressure examples(without connected device actually. My aim is to use nrf24l01 tranceiver. I have tryed 2 different libraries for that, one of them is stm32 compatible, other one is not but not causing errors. I have also tried RC522 RFID reader, that library is also says incompatible. Anyway, the problem is not communication, not even single signal is send through spi ports. I have checked also using logic analizer, nothing.
I have just tryed removing bootloader and disabled usb options and uploaded using usb-serial converter. My gpio is blinking however spi ports are still not working. It seems something is broken in the core, or something conflicts with something but I couldn't find. I have removed core and arduino ide and installed them again with no luck.
I have find a note that says "pin 10" must be output in order to set spi hardware master mode. I have tryed PA10, PB10 and set all spi pins manually. I am not sure what is "pin 10".
Are you sure you use this core?
When I saw this line
//SPIClass SPI_2(2); //un-comment this line in case you want to use the SPI_2 port.
it is more from this one:
Moreover, I suggest to not use use deprecated API like setBitOrder, setDataMode and setClockDivider. use an SPISettings instead and the beginTransaction.
Using your code, I get this:
I am trying to use SPI on bluepill 64k board with led connected to PC13. However, neither the smallest codes, nor example sketches are working. I have connected some leds on sck, mosi, miso pins on all 2 ports (3 pin groups) and I see nothing. Serial ports(usb and hardware), gpio blinks etc. everything other than spi is working. When I try to activate second SPI port, I get this error: "error: no matching function for call to 'SPIClass::SPIClass(int)'"
Using: Arduino IDE 1.8.12, tryed 1.6.1 and 1.8.0 cores, win10 64bit OS, using HID bootloader I have tryed 2 bluepill boards. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I have checked everything that I can. Tried at least 10 different codes/libraries. Looks like something is broken in core.
The only output that I see is, when I use "Digital Pot Control" example, PA7 pin is blinking with 3 sec on, 2sec off periods. other pins are pull to low and do not change.