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Add support for multiple I2C or SPI peripherals #705

Open ladyada opened 4 years ago

ladyada commented 4 years ago

These are now supported in modern Arduino chipsets. here's an examples of how to create multiple I2C/SPI peripherals.

they are auto-generated here:

matthijskooijman commented 4 years ago

I just had a look over the SPI code, and it seems you can already do this by manually creating a new SPI object:

 SPIClass MySPI(mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin, ss_pin);

Note that you pass the pin numbers and then the code figures out what SPI unit is attached to those pins (within the options defined by the variant, which is currently limited to 1 SPI unit for each pin).

What I like very much about this, is the flexibility: The sketch does not need any hardcoded knowledge of the SPI unit to pin mapping, it just needs to know what pins have been used to connect the slave (of course those pins should be a valid combination, of course).

There are still some things I do not completely like about this approach, though. It currently works like this:

See and

What I do not like here is:

Some ideas on improving this:

I suspect that most of the above applies to other peripherals equally (at least timers, probably also I2c and others).

fpistm commented 4 years ago

@matthijskooijman You're right and I've already think about this but not so easy and will require some more study. As an example Mbed define PY_n_ALTx pin in the array to differentiate alternative pin capabilities but with Arduino pin number PYn upper layer this become hard to handle.

matthijskooijman commented 4 years ago

As an example Mbed define PY_n_ALTx pin in the array

Do you have a link for that?

One related improvement I just realized: Currently, every transaction calls spi_init() to configure the settings (e.g. clock speed). However, this also completely sets up the SPI device, including scanning the pin map for which SPI unit to use. I think this should be split: Select and set up the SPI device once, on begin(), and then only change the needed settings on each transaction.

fpistm commented 4 years ago

Here the PeripheralPins.c for a Nucleo F411RE:

fpistm commented 4 years ago

One related improvement I just realized: Currently, every transaction calls spi_init() to configure the settings (e.g. clock speed). However, this also completely sets up the SPI device, including scanning the pin map for which SPI unit to use. I think this should be split: Select and set up the SPI device once, on begin(), and then only change the needed settings on each transaction.

For that I will comment in #257

Hoek67 commented 4 years ago

Check out 3rd party library.

I use it for I2C and SPI as it supports multiple pins and in the case of SPI... DMA. I use a STM32F407VET6 which is supported. I altered a few functions so allow me to transfer SPI with DMA and do other stuff while waiting for the DMA to finish.

uzi18 commented 4 years ago


fpistm commented 3 years ago

Currently, I'm working (almost finished) on variant rework and make all pins from the pinmap array available. This will remove this restriction pointed by @matthijskooijman

* The variant defines pin maps, grouped by pin function (e.g. a list of all pins that can be configured as MOSI pins and for each pin how to configure them and what SPI unit they would then be connected to).

* spi_init is passed a list of pins. It looks up each pin in the pinmap for the appropriate function to see what SPI unit it would be connected to.

* If all pins (except SS, which is optional) are connected, and are connected to the same SPI unit, then that SPI unit is initialized and used.

See and

What I do not like here is:

* Sometimes, a single pin can be mapped to the same function for multiple units, e.g. PB5 which can be MOSI for SPI1 and SPI3. Currently, the variant has to select which one of these is actually used:

  This obviously reduces flexibility for the sketch, which is a pity. This limitation is there, because the pin mapping code looks for a given pin number in a given pinmap and then always returns the first one.

I'm wondering if any official documentation on the *_INTERFACE_COUNT exists?


* One complication here is the the HAL already contains `SPI1`, `SPI2` defines for the instance pointers, but these are always just typecasts of e.g. `SPI1_BASE`, so they could perhaps be undef'd.

Unfortunately, I don't want undef it is really too risky as at sketch level user can use HAL/LL and could need to use SPIx peripheral define in the CMSIS so the new instance from SPIClass will probably be SPI_x.

xmenxwk commented 2 years ago

if (spi_mosi == NP || spi_miso == NP || spi_sclk == NP) {

MISO seems not needed, what if you only need MOSI and SCLK, like for display, where you just write and not need any data back from slave. With the above condition, we must define the MISO as well.

asukiaaa commented 11 months ago

I could use second spi by referencing alt pin for stm32h753zi.

#define PIN_SPI_B_SCK PB_3_ALT1
#define PIN_SPI_B_MISO PB_4_ALT1
#define PIN_SPI_B_MOSI PB_5_ALT1
#include <SPI.h>

SPIClass SPI_B(pinNametoDigitalPin(PIN_SPI_B_MOSI),
// SPI3 bus was enabled


#define PIN_SPI_B_SCK PB_3_ALT1
#define PIN_SPI_B_MISO PB_4_ALT1
#define PIN_SPI_B_MOSI PB_5_ALT1
#include <SPI.h>


void begin() {
  // SPI3 bus was enabled

PB3,4,5 are assignable for SPI1,3,6.

If I use non alt pin, the spi bus is merged to default spi (SPI1).

#define PIN_SPI_B_SCK PB3
#define PIN_SPI_B_MISO PB4
#define PIN_SPI_B_MOSI PB5

// SPI1 bus was enabled
// Not SPI3 orSPI5

Be careful to use alt pin if you want to other spi bus.