Closed lab-mathias-claussen closed 4 years ago
Hi @lab-mathias-claussen
You can check the issue provided by @stas2z
Anyway about this:
Fit a STM32F072C8T6 on a bluepill
What would you mean by this ? You replaced the STM32F103 by a STM32F072C8T6 ? So this is a custom board? Which variant you used in this case?
It uses the ELEKTOR_F072C8 variant, an we replaced the STM32F103 by a STM32F072C8T6. This is kind of a custom board for internal development to mimic the ELEKTOR_F072C8 variant.
Fixed with current code from Git repository Thanks
[Edit]: Problem fixed with current code from Git ( commit 1043594 )
STM32F072C8T6 / Elektor LoRa Node
Seems like #879 the interrupt for the hardware timer is not getting called. We can see that the IO Pins get configured ( PA2 and PA3 ) in this case.
To Reproduce:
Fit a STM32F072C8T6 on a bluepill and put the following code using version 1.8 of the core on the board:
What will be shown on USART 1 is:
And at that Point the code seems to stop at all
PA2 is TX and PA3 is RX for hardware serial output we use PA9 / PA10
Currently we try to investigate this further but stummbeled also accross some other issues that may lay down int the variant itself. The code works fine on a STM32F103 blue pill