stm32duino / STM32LoRaWAN

Arduino library to support LoRaWAN communication using the STM32WL series.
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LoRa send and receive without joining the Things Network #35

Closed larswd closed 8 months ago

larswd commented 8 months ago


I am working on a LoRa based device using the Wio-E5-mini, and I am very interested in using this module for my sensor. Yet, I do find the joinOTAA using the things network a bit too much so to say for the desired functionality of my sensor. Hence, I was wondering if it was possible to just transmit signals via the antenna without going to the things network. I was thinking something along the line of

LoRaModem modem;

void setup(void)

    if (!modem.begin(EU868)){
        Serial.println(F("Failed to start module"));
    Serial.print(F("Version: "));


void loop(void)
    String msg= "This is a good message!";
    int err = modem.endPacket(true);

This might be a dumb question so to say, but it was not immediately clear for me when reading the documentation. If I overlooked something, I would be grateful for a pointer in the right direction. My question still remains, is this kind of communication supported with this module, and if so, could I get a pointer as to how this is performed? And if it is not supported, would it be possible to request this to be supported in a future edition?

fpistm commented 8 months ago

Hi @larswd in fact you can use this library: The STM32Wl support was added in version

larswd commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot for the help!

fpistm commented 8 months ago
