oem/hpe/hpe.go:8: File is not `goimports`-ed with -local github.com/stmcginnis (goimports)
redfish/eventdestination.go:10: File is not `goimports`-ed with -local github.com/stmcginnis (goimports)
oemZt "github.com/stmcginnis/gofish/oem/zt"
redfish/eventservice.go:9: File is not `goimports`-ed with -local github.com/stmcginnis (goimports)
I tried to run goimports -w on these files, to no avail. what to do?
1. Extra files are used in testing the new function as SubscribeZT() and SendEventDell()
2. So you do not want to use a common CreateEventSubscription() to work for all three oem vendors?
3. Same for not using a common SubmitTestEvent() for all three vendors?
Hi Sean, Thanks again for your help on this.