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Panel session around ReactConf for November meetup #10

Closed Ephem closed 5 years ago

Ephem commented 5 years ago

My idea

I'm thinking about arranging a short panel-event for the 15th of November meetup since there are two spots for lightning talks open still. It would include about 3-4 people and a moderator and the aim would be to discuss takeaways from the latest ReactConf on stage, in a relaxed way. My suggestion is that it would be planned to take about 20 minutes, possibly shorter.

Format would be:

Help needed

I would be up for either moderating the panel or participating (but don't have to do either), but more participants would be needed.

Participants should be as diverse as possible, I would love to see both juniors and seniors from different backgrounds and different companies give their take on the conference. I guess the only requirements would be that you have seen the keynote videos as well as a couple of more videos from the conference and would be willing to talk about your impressions of them. (If you were actually at the conference, that would be fantastic of course!).

If this sounds interesting, please leave a comment!

Pallinder commented 5 years ago

Love this.

FilipStenbeck commented 5 years ago

Very good idea.

Ephem commented 5 years ago

Glad to hear! Two participants are now booked, both the main speakers (Artem & Maksim) were interested in participating which seems like a great idea.

Still searching for two more participants and/or a moderator.

Will add a comment adding some questions/topics soon.

Ephem commented 5 years ago

Just to start us off with a few I had in my head:

None of this has been filtered or refined really so please comment, I just wrote down all the things that was spinning around in my head. :)

asci commented 5 years ago

Awesome idea!

Ephem commented 5 years ago

I've asked around a bit but haven't found any other participants yet, so this still might or might not happen. :) Might even be decided on the day of the event.

Ephem commented 5 years ago

Panel never happened because we found no more interested participants on such short notice. Next meetup will probably be too far after ReactConf for this to make any sense so closing issue.

That said, I do like the idea of trying out a panel-format so might try to pull off something similar in the future with some more preparation and time. :)