stoically / temporary-containers

Firefox Add-on that lets you open automatically managed disposable containers
MIT License
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FR: temporary disable Isolation with a timeout. #592

Closed mhtrinh closed 2 years ago

mhtrinh commented 2 years ago

Currently, you can enable/disable isolation from TC icon. This is great for some crappy website (eg: #585) or some payment website that tend to bounce around few time ! User will have to disable Isolation for couple minute, time to fill in your credit card etc and then enable back Isolation.

The issue is sometime I forget to enable back Isolation, and start navigating all in the same container !

It would be great to have a button that disable TC Isolation for a define period (like 5min) and pop up warning telling the user that Isolation will be back on.

Thanks for this wonderful addon !!! My counter soon have 6 digits !!

stoically commented 2 years ago

In the TC preferences under Advanced > Isolation you can configure a timeout. Hope that helps.

tmp100000 soon 👀

stoically commented 2 years ago

There's also a keyboard shortcut to disable isolation. Personally prefer it over the icon.

mhtrinh commented 2 years ago

Hell yeah !! Did not know that !! That's exactly what I was looking for !! Thanks !!!

mhtrinh commented 2 years ago

There's also a keyboard shortcut to disable isolation. Personally prefer it over the icon.

It happen very very rarely for me so I won't bother to remember the keyboard shortcut :-P And because it happen rarely, I tend to forget to enable back Isolation ...