stoicflame / enunciate

Build-time enhancement tool for Java-based Web services projects
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Add generation of a PDF of the docs #522

Open qwasson opened 7 years ago

qwasson commented 7 years ago

(This issue existed in the previous Jira issue tracker as ENUNCIATE-555)

It would be useful to be able to generate a PDF with equivalent documentation to that in the HTML version.

stoicflame commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the request.

stoicflame commented 7 years ago

This enhancement is currently seeking a sponsor. If anybody is willing to sponsor the work, reach out to me and I'd be happy to pick it up.

learsix commented 7 years ago


I ran into the same problem and found a simple solution:

I'd be happy to share the modified freemarker template if you think this is relevant.

stoicflame commented 7 years ago

@learsix, what if you just created a gist for us?

Sounds cool! Thanks!

learsix commented 7 years ago

You'll find it here:

This has not been heavely tested:

The macro html2asciidoc matches our Javadoc conventions, but it may not be complete.

I just put my additions in the gist to generate the asciidoc file. On my side this is included in the docs module template (doc.fmt). To generate the pdf I then call asciidoctor using the enunciate generated doc dir as a source. I found it nice to be able to download the pdf: I move the generated pdf in the enunciate dir and modified the docs.fmt template to include a link.

Maven configuration example for pdf generation:

    <!-- the new doc generated by enunciate -->
    <!-- where the pdf will be put -->
    <!-- optional - my pdf theme includes a logo, it's here -->
       <!-- optional - I did some personalization of the default pdf theme -->