stoicflame / enunciate

Build-time enhancement tool for Java-based Web services projects
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Support for Spring SOAP Web Services (@Endpoint annotated classes) #913

Open watery opened 5 years ago

watery commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for this documentation tool.

Are Spring Web Services endpoints supported? And are they within a Boot application?

This is my enunciate.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <modules disabledByDefault="true">
    <jaxb disabled="false" />
    <spring-web disabled="false" />
    <docs disabled="false" />
    <jaxws disabled="false" />

     <include pattern="webservices.**"/>
     <exclude pattern="generator.**"/>


The HTML documentation is generated, but I can see only an XML section with XSD portions (there's no WSDL since it is runtime generated by Spring).

But it doesn't seem to generate any documentation for my annnotated class, while a method documentation section appears in the docs if I add the javax.jws.WebService annotation to that class.

stoicflame commented 5 years ago


No, only JAX-WS is supported at the moment. I'll mark this as an enhancement request and track it.

watery commented 5 years ago

Thank you. Actually I added @WebService and @WebMethod annotations to the sources and everything seems to work fine. Are there other important JAX-WS annotations that I may add?