Closed Eldorian closed 6 years ago
Following up on this, but today I noticed that Alexa actually put the item in the list I told it too. Just in the logs I get that error I presented and also Alexa responds that there is an error.
I ended up getting around Alexa returning back an error message by just wrapping the AddItem in a try/catch - it still adds it for some reason but now won't return an error message. Weird work around.
I'm trying to do this:
await client.AddItem(listId, "adding an item", "active");
Where listId is a string that I grabbed earlier.
I get the following error:
One or more errors occurred. (String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.): AggregateException at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at lambda_method(Closure , Stream , Stream , LambdaContextInternal )
at System.DateTime.ParseExact(String s, String format, IFormatProvider provider) at Alexa.NET.ListManagement.Requests.SkillItemDateConverter.ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.DeserializeConvertable(JsonConverter converter, JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.SetPropertyValue(JsonProperty property, JsonConverter propertyConverter, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerProperty, JsonReader reader, Object target) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject(Object newObject, JsonReader reader, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, String id) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize[T](JsonReader reader) at Alexa.NET.ListManagementClient.d__11.MoveNext()