stoli / Metropolis

Continuation of Metropolis skin for XBMC
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Line under Progressbar #161

Closed sialivi closed 11 years ago

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Might be by design, but the sharp line underneath the progress bar looks really out of place screenshot

jingai commented 11 years ago

I assume you're referring to the horizontal gradient line underneath? I'm not seeing that on mine?

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Yeah. Weird. Even when you jump forward far into a movie, cause it gets stretched longer and longer?

jingai commented 11 years ago

No, still not seeing it here.. odd.

jingai commented 11 years ago

Do you maybe have an outdated textures.xbt located in your media directory? I've seen weird things happen if I don't update it whenever textures change. I just usually pull the most recent one out of the archive from the Passion repo. Alternatively, you could delete it altogether, but the UI is much slower without it.

edit: This is assuming you're getting your updates straight from the github repository, of course.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Hmm, I don't have a textures.xbt, i only have the 6 theme specific xbt's

jingai commented 11 years ago

Should be fine then. Hmm.. can you post a full screenshot maybe? I tried seeking all over a movie and didn't see the problem here.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Don't know if this is by design, but in this picture you can also see a semi-transparent progress bar at the front of the solid one.

Edit: the semi-transparent one is only visible at certain points.

jingai commented 11 years ago

The semi-transparent one is representing what's been buffered, so yes, that's by design.

The odd gradient line underneath is not though.. at least, it's never been there on my installs.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Ah, wasn't expecting noticeable buffering on a local file. Guess it only became noticeable because I was fast forwarding through a high bitrate movie.

jingai commented 11 years ago

Aye, that's the only time I see it too.

jingai commented 11 years ago

Well, probably the best way to proceed is to have you start deleting control groups from the "OSD_ProgressBar2" include in Includes.xml until it goes away, and then let me know which group it was that caused the issue.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Ok, will do.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Narrowed it down to the midtexture on line 1024 and 1038, osd/osd_progress_mid.png

jingai commented 11 years ago

Have you tried removing just one or the other control groups (ProgressbarCache or Progressbar)? I'm curious to know if it needs both to happen, or just one of those.

I don't see this on any of my machines (just checked another), so if you don't mind, I'll be asking you to make changes until the problem goes away.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

I changed the posy on one of them so they didn't overlap and there was a line beneath both of them

jingai commented 11 years ago

Have you tried playing with the height tag in the control group (currently 15)?

edit: sorry, github trimmed the word "height"

jingai commented 11 years ago

And do you see the same glitch in the fullscreen Music Visualizer or the in DialogProgress (such as when updating your library)?

sialivi commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I've tried altering the height and it doesn't help. The line seems to be part of the texture and if I switch to using one of the alternative images there's a line at the top and bottom, which those alternative images have.

Yes, it happens in fullscreen music as well, but not the update progress (you mean the progressbar in the top left corner, correct?)

jingai commented 11 years ago

The line you're seeing is the texture background, but it should be (and is on my machines) transparent.

It's odd that it's not also happening on the update progress dialog. It should be.. The only difference between that and the other two spots is that it doesn't have the PlayerCache progress bar. That's why I was wondering what happened if you removed that control (ProgressbarCache).

sialivi commented 11 years ago

I just tried copying a textures.xbt file (probably not up to date, but it was all I had access to at that moment) and that fixed the problem. Deleted the file, problem returned.

jingai commented 11 years ago

Confirmed. I don't think this is the fault of the skin though. I think it's how XBMC is handling the overlapping images with alpha channels.

sialivi commented 11 years ago

I'm not familiar with the .xbt format, are the textures converted to another format when added to an .xbt or is it just a simple archive?

jingai commented 11 years ago

They are converted and compressed.

jingai commented 11 years ago

When you get a skin from the official repository, you wouldn't normally see all the source image files in the media directory; instead, all you get is the textures.xbt. XBMC does support running without a textures.xbt, but in my experience, I've seen odd little glitches like this here and there. The skin may be at fault for some of them, I guess, but in this particular case I really don't think so. I checked over the little bit of code and the three image files associated with this and don't see anything wrong.