stoli / Metropolis

Continuation of Metropolis skin for XBMC
23 stars 21 forks source link

Consider using script.skinshortcuts templates #358

Closed jingai closed 8 years ago

jingai commented 8 years ago

Particularly for widgets.

MacGyverr commented 8 years ago

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if skinshortcuts was to become disabled once you are using templates? I never really saw a big problem using it to create the menus because that happens once (and I always put a prebuilt one in there just in case). If it breaks here or there no big deal, users may not be able to setup custom menus in the interim and only use the ones they have already created, but if large pieces of the skin are going to be relying on it always being 100% working you might want to see just what happens to that version in the event skinshortcuts gets broken (or disabled) before letting it loose on the users.

jingai commented 8 years ago

Discuss over here now please

Moved to my own repo.