actionplanner_t should be able to support up to MAXATOMS of atoms and MAXACTIONS of actions but it can only actually support MAXATOMS-1 and MAXACTIONS-1 of each before returning false.
This comes from how the lookup functions are written:
static int idx_for_atomname( actionplanner_t* ap, const char* atomname )
int idx;
for ( idx=0; idx < ap->numatoms; ++idx )
if ( !strcmp( ap->atm_names[ idx ], atomname ) ) return idx;
if ( idx < MAXATOMS-1 )
static int idx_for_actionname( actionplanner_t* ap, const char* actionname )
int idx;
for ( idx=0; idx < ap->numactions; ++idx )
if ( !strcmp( ap->act_names[ idx ], actionname ) ) return idx;
actionplanner_t should be able to support up to MAXATOMS of atoms and MAXACTIONS of actions but it can only actually support MAXATOMS-1 and MAXACTIONS-1 of each before returning false.
This comes from how the lookup functions are written: static int idx_for_atomname( actionplanner_t* ap, const char* atomname ) { int idx; for ( idx=0; idx < ap->numatoms; ++idx ) if ( !strcmp( ap->atm_names[ idx ], atomname ) ) return idx;
static int idx_for_actionname( actionplanner_t* ap, const char* actionname ) { int idx; for ( idx=0; idx < ap->numactions; ++idx ) if ( !strcmp( ap->act_names[ idx ], actionname ) ) return idx;