stomp-js / rx-stomp

STOMP adaptor for RxJS
Apache License 2.0
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Problems using angular + spring setup #545

Closed jeanmelo25 closed 7 months ago

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

I am attempting to use RxStomp with Angular and Spring, but I am unable to test it as it times out every time and does not connect.

Here is my service: `export class RxStompService extends RxStomp { constructor(private tokenService: ApiTokenService) { const client: Client = new Client(myRxStompConfig as StompConfig); super(client);

const config = Object.assign(myRxStompConfig, {
  connectHeaders: { Authorization: this.tokenService.token }
} as RxStompConfig);


} } `

Here's is the log: [webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement disabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled. kendo-message.service.ts:156 Progress Kendo UI for Angular base-paginated-grid.component.html:11 Progress Kendo UI for Angular base-paginated-grid.component.html:34 Progress Kendo UI for Angular index-esm.js:1 Progress Kendo UI for Angular index-esm.js:1 Progress Kendo UI for Angular index-esm.js:1 Progress Kendo UI for Angular rx-stomp.config.util.ts:9 Mon Dec 04 2023 18:53:39 GMT-0300 (Hora padrão de Brasília) '"Opening Web Socket..."'



jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago


myRxStompConfig: RxStompConfig = { brokerURL: ws://${window.location.origin.replace('http://', '')}/ws, heartbeatIncoming: 0, heartbeatOutgoing: 20000, reconnectDelay: 5000, debug: (msg: string): void => { console.log(new Date(), JSON.stringify(msg)); } };

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

I've tried this way too: class StompConnectorService { private stompClient: Client;

constructor() { const stompConfig = RxStompConfig as StompConfig;

this.stompClient = new Client(stompConfig);

this.stompClient.onConnect = (frame) => this.onStompConnect(frame);
this.stompClient.onStompError = (frame) => this.onStompError(frame);



private onStompConnect(frame) { console.log('Stomp connected:', frame); }

private onStompError(frame) { console.error('Stomp error:', frame); }

public connect(): void { this.stompClient.activate(); }

public disconnect(): void { this.stompClient.deactivate(); }

public subscribe(destination: string, callback: (message: any) => void): void { this.stompClient.subscribe(destination, callback); }

public sendMessage(destination: string, body: string): void { this.stompClient.publish({ destination, body }); } }

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

Another test with timeout set to 3000ms: image

I'm doing a proxy for a local server at port:8080

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

It's interesting to note that the deprecated implementation still works perfectly fine. `class StompLegacyConnector { private stompClient: any;

constructor( private subscribers: { destination: string; callback: messageCallbackType }[], private headers?: StompHeaders ) { const socket = new SockJS(/ws); this.stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);

this.stompClient.connect({}, (frame) => {
  for (const subscriber of this.subscribers) {
    this.stompClient.subscribe(subscriber.destination, subscriber.callback, this.headers);


public publish(params: IPublishParams): void { this.stompClient.publish(params); } }`

kum-deepak commented 7 months ago

I do not use Spring and have no knowledge. Based on previous questions. I will request you to check the following:

Checking the logs of the Spring backend may provide additional information.

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

The backend is basically:

`@EnableWebSocketMessageBroker @Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 99) public class WebSocketBrokerConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

private final RabbitProperties rabbitProperties;

private int port;

public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {

public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {

It is configured to connect both ways when "addEndpoint("/ws")" does the job for the new way, "withSockJs" creates a fallback to connect withSockJs for legacy browsers if needed

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

About The CORS, is it correctly configured and I'm proxying the request from my frontend to the same origin.

jeanmelo25 commented 7 months ago

I just solved the issue...

kino1ol commented 6 months ago

@jeanmelo25 What is version angular used here?

aprognimak commented 5 months ago

I just solved the issue...

Any insight on HOW please?