stompgem / stomp

A ruby gem for sending and receiving messages from a Stomp protocol compliant message queue. Includes: failover logic, ssl support.
Apache License 2.0
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failover: Stomp Ruby client fails to publish some messages #148

Closed ramisra closed 5 years ago

ramisra commented 6 years ago

We are publishing 1000 message/second using above library and some of the messages are getting dropped . Is this issue in library or whether I am missing some parameter tweak?

retgoat commented 6 years ago

Hi @ratikesh9 could you please share your initialization hash and code? Thanks!

gmallard commented 6 years ago

I would have to see:

Writing a robust producer application which uses failover is challenging.

Note that the stomp specification says:

The reliability semantics of the message are also server specific and will depend on the destination value being used and the other message headers such as the transaction header or other server specific message headers.

retgoat commented 6 years ago

Hello @gmallard many thanks for your assistance.

We have quite sophisticated workflow. We have a wrapper around activemq producer and consumer. let me show you.

Wrapper read current delayed backed defined in config file and then implement the domain specific logic:

class AsyncHandler::Backend::ActiveMQ < AsyncHandler::Backend::Base

  def exec
    msg =  ::Marshal::dump({ class: @klass.to_s, method: @method.to_sym, args: @args }.with_indifferent_access)
    queue = @opts[:queue] || "defaut"
    client.publish("/queue/#{queue}", msg)

  def client
    @client ||= Rails.logger)

Here is a producer code:

class AsyncHandler::Client::ActiveMQ
  delegate :publish, :join, :acknowledge, :subscribe, to: :@client

  def initialize(config: {}, logger:
    config_hash = config.empty? ? Rails.configuration.x.active_mq : config
    @client = logger))

Producer initialized with default config:

[1] pry(main)> Rails.configuration.x.active_mq
=> {
               :hosts => [
        [0] {
               :login => nil,
            :password => nil,
                :host => "localhost",
                :port => 61613
            :reliable => true,
        :closed_check => false,
     :connect_timeout => 5,
    :connread_timeout => 3,
     :connect_headers => {
                    :host => "localhost",
        :"accept-version" => "1.2"

Also we have a base consumer:

class BaseWorker
  def initialize(queue:, logger:)
    @queue = queue
    @logger = logger

  def run "Starting #{} at #{}"
    client = @logger)
    client.subscribe("/queue/#{@queue}", { ack: }) do |message|
      body = ::Marshal::load(message.body) "[#{@queue}] got message: #{message.headers['message-id']}, body: #{body}"
      # client.acknowledge(message.headers['ack'])
  rescue => e
    @logger.error "Error in message processing! #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join('\n')}"


  def execute(hash)
    klass = hash['class'].classify.constantize
    method = hash['method'].to_sym
    args = hash['args']
    klass.send(method, args)


It read new message de-marshaling it and execute given method

Also we have simple class Foo for testing:

class Foo
  def"foo.log", "a") do |f|
      f.write "Foo class triggered with payload #{pld}\n"

If I generate let's say 10 messages all working fine:

10.times{|i| Foo.run_async(:bar, {queue: 'default'}, "Some payload #{i}") }
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:3:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 0"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:4:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 1"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:5:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 2"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:6:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 3"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 4"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:8:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 5"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:9:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 6"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:10:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 7"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:11:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 8"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:12:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 9"]}

But if I fire 1000 messages:

[3] pry(main)> 1000.times{|i| Foo.run_async(:bar, {queue: 'default'}, "Some payload #{i}") }
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#0) in 0.01
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#1) in 0.02
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#2) in 0.04
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#3) in 0.08
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#4) in 0.16
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#5) in 0.32
connect to localhost failed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known will retry(#6) in 0.64
^C/Users/retgoat/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1@nebenan/gems/stomp-1.4.4/lib/stomp/client.rb:103: warning: constant ::TimeoutError is deprecated
from /Users/retgoat/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1@nebenan/gems/stomp-1.4.4/lib/connection/utils.rb:150:in `sleep'
[4] pry(main)> 

Please note, if I interrupt it with ctrl+c I can see warning: constant ::TimeoutError is deprecated

Last message in log is:

[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:237:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 224"]}
[default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:238:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["Some payload 225"]}

I'm using ActiveMQ v5.15.2 from homebrew with default configuration

Please find the logs and activemq config in the gist

Thanks a lot!

gmallard commented 6 years ago

Thanks for all the documentation. It is good background.

It is obvious that I will not able to recreate the complexity of your environment.

I can not recreate what you are seeing. I just pushed 100,000 messages at several different brokers, in elapsed times from 65 seconds to 130 seconds (depending on the broker):


I, [2018-03-03T13:28:19.364612 #19992]  INFO -- : Main end, message count 100000, elapsed time 133.6205415725708sec


I, [2018-03-03T13:32:21.693268 #20230]  INFO -- : Main end, message count 100000, elapsed time 66.69967222213745sec


I, [2018-03-03T13:45:23.339450 #20777]  INFO -- : Main end, message count 100000, elapsed time 66.59979200363159sec

My AMQ environment clearly needs some tuning.

A couple of questions, in no particular order:

Can you recreate this outside of a Rails environment?

Can you recreate this if you just shut your consumer off?

Can you try and recreate this with :relaible => false? I would be interested to see if we can get a stack trace for the very original failure.

Is your publisher 'in transaction'? And coded with retry logic if a reconnect actually occurs?

I really suggest that you try to understand the very original failure. That might give a clue as to how to alleviate this problem.

I am not surprised you are seeing dropped messages. It seems your situation is:

In this case any messages that are 'in flight' at the time of connection close are bound to be lost. At least it seems that way to me.

Try to think about some simple code that recreates this, and that you could share with me.

Thanks, Guy

retgoat commented 6 years ago

Hey @gmallard!

Many thanks for your help. I found the issue and it was on my side. I did not close the producer's socket after message sending and completely left it without attention.

Open sockets limited to 256 in MacOS (It seems by default, because I didn't change it)

So, I changed the code to the following and all works like a charm!

# client
class AsyncHandler::Backend::ActiveMQ < AsyncHandler::Backend::Base

  def exec
    msg =  ::Marshal::dump({ class: @klass.to_s, method: @method.to_sym, args: @args }.with_indifferent_access)
    queue = @opts[:queue] || "defaut"
    client.publish("/queue/#{queue}", msg)
    client.close # this line was missing

  def client
    @client ||= Rails.logger)
# base worker
class AsyncHandler::ActiveMQ::Workers::BaseWorker
  def initialize(queue:, logger:)
    @queue = queue
    @logger = logger

  def run
    id = SecureRandom.uuid "Starting #{} with client ID: #{id} at #{}"
    client = @logger) "Connected to #{client.connection_frame.headers['server']}"\
                 " server with STOMP #{client.connection_frame.headers['version']}"

    client.subscribe("/queue/#{@queue}", { 'id' => id, 'ack' => 'client' } ) do |message|
      body = ::Marshal::load(message.body) "[#{Thread.current.object_id}-#{@queue}] got message: #{message.headers['message-id']}, body: #{body}"
      client.acknowledge(message, message.headers)
  rescue => e
    @logger.error "Error in message processing! #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join('\n')}"


  def execute(hash)
    klass = hash['class'].classify.constantize
    method = hash['method'].to_sym
    args = hash['args']
    klass.send(method, args)


Now all messages processed once with the 4 workers running:

[1] pry(main)> 4.times{ }
Starting AsyncHandler::ActiveMQ::Workers::DefaultQueueWorker with client ID: 06820380-8e6c-42cd-808d-2d2616f2115e at 2018-03-05 12:13:40 +0700
Connected to ActiveMQ/5.15.2 server with STOMP 1.2
Starting AsyncHandler::ActiveMQ::Workers::DefaultQueueWorker with client ID: 9226b137-a2bf-4316-b41e-bd1c39b6a771 at 2018-03-05 12:13:40 +0700
Connected to ActiveMQ/5.15.2 server with STOMP 1.2
Starting AsyncHandler::ActiveMQ::Workers::DefaultQueueWorker with client ID: f4ecd9f6-2266-4d51-8d51-3639a6028b67 at 2018-03-05 12:13:40 +0700
Connected to ActiveMQ/5.15.2 server with STOMP 1.2
Starting AsyncHandler::ActiveMQ::Workers::DefaultQueueWorker with client ID: e2bf2e85-6613-4786-9272-c118207238b5 at 2018-03-05 12:13:40 +0700
Connected to ActiveMQ/5.15.2 server with STOMP 1.2

1000.times{|i|Foo.run_async(:bar, {queue: 'default'}, "#{i} of 10") }
[70110519215960-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7457:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["990 of 10"]}
[70110544378640-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7458:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["991 of 10"]}
[70110556154480-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7459:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["992 of 10"]}
[70110462346820-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7460:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["993 of 10"]}
[70110519215960-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7461:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["994 of 10"]}
[70110544378640-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7462:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["995 of 10"]}
[70110556154480-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7463:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["996 of 10"]}
[70110462346820-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7464:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["997 of 10"]}
[70110519215960-default] got message: ID:MacBookPro-Roman.local-58984-1519877225506-3:7465:-1:1:1, body: {"class"=>"Foo", "method"=>:bar, "args"=>["998 of 10"]}

Thanks again!

gmallard commented 6 years ago

If you are satisfied with the current status, can you please close this issue?

retgoat commented 6 years ago

@gmallard I would love to, but I can't. Ticked opened by another person @ratikesh9

gmallard commented 6 years ago

@ratikesh9 - please either:

I will leave this open for a while longer .....

gmallard commented 5 years ago

Closing due to lack of response from OP.