stoneMo / DeepAVFusion

Official codebase for "Unveiling the Power of Audio-Visual Early Fusion Transformers with Dense Interactions through Masked Modeling".
Apache License 2.0
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How to run locally #3

Closed skychan closed 1 month ago

skychan commented 1 month ago

How to test locally? The given script is only for the slrum cluster, don't know how to run locally.

Also, the fie Downloading: "assets/models/vitbase_audiomae_as2m.pth" is missing, not able to run.

Cb1ock commented 1 month ago

same here, need the pretrained checkpoint

pedro-morgado commented 1 month ago

checkpoint added. regarding running locally, you just run with env.slurm=False.

pedro-morgado commented 1 month ago
