stonecrusher / simpleMenuWizard

Hide contextmenu items in Firefox Photon
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How-to hide screenshoot only on select context menu? #29

Closed tmpm697 closed 4 years ago

tmpm697 commented 4 years ago

Currently we can only hide screenshoot on all via #screenshots_mozilla_org-menuitem-_create-screenshot, is there away to hide for a specific context menu, like select?

stonecrusher commented 4 years ago

Try if this works for you:

#context-viewpartialsource-selection:not([hidden]) ~ #screenshots_mozilla_org-menuitem-_create-screenshot {
    display: none !important;

The concept of my workaround is to select another item that is only present in the target context and then select the (hopefully following) element to hide.

tmpm697 commented 4 years ago

that's worked, thanks.