stonecrusher / simpleMenuWizard

Hide contextmenu items in Firefox Photon
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Feature request - add new items #70

Closed Tiagoquix closed 2 years ago

Tiagoquix commented 2 years ago

#tracking-protection-icon-box and #tracking-protection-icon-container to hide the Enhanced Tracking Protection shield from the URL bar.

#eme-notification-icon to hide the DRM icon from the URL bar.

.openintabs-menuitem and .bookmarks-actions-menuseparator to hide the "Open all in tabs" from bookmarks and its separator.

#alltabs-button to hide the all tabs button.

stonecrusher commented 2 years ago

Hiding icons from the URL bar is out of scope for this project. These guys may be interested or already have something like that in their repertoire:

Do you have a screenshot for "Open all in tabs"? Not sure where it is. Because bookmarks sidebar already has those as option:

Tiagoquix commented 2 years ago

Do you have a screenshot for "Open all in tabs"? Not sure where it is. Because bookmarks sidebar already has those as option:



It appears in bookmark folders. Not a "right-click" action itself, but it may be useful for this project.

stonecrusher commented 2 years ago

I cannot reproduce where that is. Your screenshot doesn't give context. Just censor what you don't want to be seen. We're talking about FF106.1? /edit OK got it. Left-click a bookmarks folder in the bookmarks toolbar. I thought about the sidebar.

However, if it's not a context menu I will probably not add it to the project. And I remember removing stuff from the bookmarks toolbar itself most of the time didn't work properly.

Have you managed removing it for yourself?

Tiagoquix commented 2 years ago

Have you managed removing it for yourself?

Yes. Not a "right-click" action itself, so no need to add it. Thanks for your time!