stooged / PI-Pwn

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Do you want pppwn to run in verbose mode? #110

Closed ReloxDev closed 3 months ago

ReloxDev commented 3 months ago

What is that and should I use it or no?

Sylntnyt commented 3 months ago

What it is asking is when you run the PPPwn exploit, would you like to have it display feedback/progress of the exploit as it runs (like how TheFl0w's PPPwn did when it first came out) or not see any sort of feedback/progress except for if it failed or was a success. It's up to you if you want to use it or not, some like to see what's going on, other's prefer a cleaner look. If you don't plan to have your Pi or other Pi-like device connected to a monitor/tv after you've set it up, then verbose mode or not won't matter.

ReloxDev commented 3 months ago

Ok I said No now. Thanks.