stooged / PI-Pwn

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Session handling to prevent duplicate form submissions #133

Closed faroukbmiled closed 2 months ago

faroukbmiled commented 2 months ago

Updated index.php and payloads.php to prevent duplicate form submissions on reload This was the most annoying thing about PI-Pwn webserver, hopefully you merge this or implement something better

phpandrew commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately I don't think the dev cares to improve the code base. I haven't seen them accept any pull request for code submissions in any project they do.

faroukbmiled commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately I don't think the dev cares to improve the code base. I haven't seen them accept any pull request for code submissions in any project they do.

Yeah... not too sure why,my guess is he doesn't want contributors to appear on the repo?, Cuz im pretty sure he commmited his own implementation of one of the closed PRs (or simply could be that none of the PRs meets his standards)

stooged commented 2 months ago

i dont care for pr's if you wish to modify the code you are welcome to do that in your own forks

stooged commented 2 months ago

for the issue of duplicate form submission i just pushed an update that should stop it using js.

works in brave and in the ps4 webbrowser, if you find your method more superior then by all means keep that method.