stop-predatory-journals /

A listing of predatory academic journals and publishers.
MIT License
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Future of the project #32

Open lucboruta opened 5 years ago

lucboruta commented 5 years ago

I love the idea of sharing open, machine-readable data about predatory/hijacked/questionable journals and publishers. That being said, such lists are only valuable if they are actively maintained.

The last commit happened on January 10, 2018, issues and pull requests are piling up, and the project's Twitter account hasn't posted in a while. :(

Cabell's blacklist is interesting, but it's not open, and I think there'd be value in having open discussions about updates and appeal requests here on GitHub.

@stoppredatoryjournals, are you still interested in maintaining the project? Or maybe granting write access to other users?

I might be up for the task if others would be interested in helping. We've seen with Beall's list that this cannot be a single person's job. @katrinleinweber and @pascalwhoop, maybe? Anyone else?

katrinleinweber commented 5 years ago and/or git config --local "someone" && git config --local "" would be useful in that endeavor.

However, is it really still necessary, now that has received quite a boost last summer during the whole "fake science" discussion?

lucboruta commented 5 years ago

Unless I missed something, ThinkCheckSubmit offers check lists and guidelines, but no database of journals or publishers.

Check lists and advocacy are great to help prevent future submissions to these journals, but I think explicit lists are still necessary for tools that process existing publications, including citations to or from predatory/hijacked journals.