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Possible predatory journal: Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering #33

Open cgeger opened 5 years ago

cgeger commented 5 years ago

I received the following email, which I suspect is from a predatory journal. The journal webpage is here: Thank you.

BEGIN EMAIL: Subject line: Anticipating your support

Whishes from James Johnson!

Well, it’s the merriment moment to share with you, i.e. Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering have successfully indexed in Road ISSN, ResearchBib, Scilit, Publons, index Copernicus, DRJI, RESEARCHERID, Google scholar, Semantic Scholar, World Cat, Open Archives, BASE, Sciforum, Refseek, cosmos, JURN and also member in Crossref, ICMJE within short span of time and undoubtedly it is possible only with the support of eminent people like you.

Well, we are welcoming you to submit your Informative Manuscript for upcoming issue.

After successful acceptance for publication we are privileged to provide the DOI number and will circulate it through Google Scholar.

Acknowledge this mail for further queries.


James Johnson| Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering (ISSN: 2643-6876)