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Predatory? Research Outreach #51

Open 80shairband opened 4 years ago

80shairband commented 4 years ago

Title: Research Outreach ISSN: 2517-7028 Link:

According to WorldCat began 2019 and is only published quarterly, but already up to 13th issue. Started at issue 101. Please see sample email attached for further consideration and scrutiny.

Sample email to potential authors attached

Research Outreach.txt

broukema commented 2 years ago

I received exactly that template, with my name and an article title in the email subject.

It's odd to start at issue 101, and the issues don't seem to be dated. All I can find is a year with the copyright statement on the editor's introductory page e.g. in issue 101. Even popularisation of science still needs to be dated.

The costs are stated fairly clearly and openly - a minimal service is provided at zero cost. On the other hand, the email is highly misleading. If the ResearchOutreach person had really "briefly looked over the details of [my] work", why couldn't he write an individual email and explain why he found my paper worthy of further outreach?

My guess is that it doesn't count as "predatory".

Whether it's worth using it for extra outreach is a separate question.

SteffiAcumenIST commented 2 years ago

Research Outreach is definitely predatory! ... on top of that, it now masks itself as Research Features.

On the 22nd October, I received a standard invite for a paper based on a former paper of mine by 'Roy Gent': Roy Gent Project Manager Research Outreach
T: +44 1453 828 951 (UK) E:

The approach and Roy sounded nice enough, and I asked for more information, making it clear that I could and would not pay for a publication in any other than full Open Access journals (this being the requirement by our EU funding authorities now). I suggested that he only wrote back to me, if the journal was 'Open Access', because 'the Open Access nature is an absolute necessity'. I received another standard pitch in return, upon which I asked him to stop emailing me.

Today, I received a very similar sounding email from Chris Temple: Chris Temple Project Manager Research Features T: +44 1453 828 951 (UK) W: E:

... and it turns out that he and Roy not only send similar emails, but also share a phone number.

I strong suggest that Research Outreach and Research Features are added to the list of 'predatory journals', because they are clearly after money, they are incapable of engaging in personal conversation with their 'targets', they do not acknowledge standard publication procedures, and they are using truly fishy, if not outright fraudulent business practices.