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Bel in Clojure #290

Open stopachka opened 2 years ago

stopachka commented 2 years ago

9 months ago, I took a gander at PG’s guide to Bel. If you haven’t read it, here’s the premise:

In 1958 when McCarthy invented Lisp, he started with a mathematical, rather than a practical definition. His paper was more similar to the spec for a Turing Machine than a spec for Fortran. For example, McCarthy didn’t even think that Lisp would run on real computers until his graduate student suggested it.

This was the secret to Lisp’s power. Because McCarthy was unconcerned with how Lisp would work on the computers of 1958, he made a language so powerful that it’s still magic for the computers of 2021.

The original spec for Lisp stopped short of a complete language. There were no numbers or errors for example. So PG thought: what would happen if I continued McCarthy’s tradition, and formally defined a complete language? Numbers, errors, and all.

This idea spoke to my Lisper heart, and I was intrigued. I opened up the guide and got reading. An hour in, and I knew I needed to get my hands dirty to really understand this. So I told myself, hey, why don’t I just take a weekend and implement the spec?

Well...9 months later, I present you Bel in Clojure!

It’s still rough, and about 85% there, but it’s ~tolerably fast for small functions, and even supports multi-threading! Want to try it yourself? Here’s the code.

The Journey

Working on Bel felt like going on a country walk, and running into an old friend who suggests skydiving. You think to yourself, sure a bit out of the ordinary but why not, skydiving is fun. As soon as you step on the plane, you discover the pilot is an intrepid adventurer and offers you a glide over London. Well, you wouldn’t have predicted this, but you did always want to visit London. After your plane lands, you run into a person who speaks to your soul. You blink, and find yourself on a scooter over a dirt road in Thailand, driving off into the sunset with the love of your life.

Okay this may be a bit too much for a paragraph in a technical essay. What do I mean?


My first plan was a 2-day project: I would use Clojure’s reader, keep Clojure data structures, and write a standard recursive interpreter — no more than a few hundred lines probably.

And there came my first surprise. I couldn’t use Clojure’s reader. PG supports quasiquotes (`(foo ',a ,@b)) custom characters (\bel), dotted lists ((a . b)), and a powerful shorthand syntax (x|~f:g!a typechecks, composes 3 functions, quotes and invokes). I realized I’d need to write my own parser [^1].

Thankfully, I discovered instaparse, and EBNF notation. EBNF, if you haven’t heard of it, is a declarative way to describe programming language syntax. Years have made me suspicious of purported “declarative DSLs” — often a hodpodge of incidental complexity. But, my friends EBNF joins SQL in my eyes as a real solution.


So, with the parser out of the way, I marched forward with confidence. One more weekend, and I’d surely be done. Oops, I hit another surprise: my simple recursive interpreter wouldn’t work.

PG supports continuations. Continuations let you “move back” to different points in your program’s execution. (If you haven’t heard of them, no worries, I’ll describe them in more detail later in the essay). What this meant for me, was that I couldn’t just have a simple interpreter that recursed over itself, as I’d need to be able to “go back” to states in the recursion.

Now I saw one more weekend wouldn’t do the trick, and took a break.

SICP to the rescue?

A few months later, I got back to the project, but this time opened up my trusty guide: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. I perused their chapter on the amb intepreter, and saw how they used the “continuation-passing-style”. Yes, this could do the trick.

Okay, off I went, and re-implemented my interpreter in the continuation-passing-style. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s the idea: every step, instead of returning, calls a “done” callback. This lets you save callbacks and move between different states in the execution.

Once I made this refactor, continuations were easy peasy.


Well, very soon I came to the next setback. After just 100 or 200 lines of reading the Bel source, running simple programs would cause my interpreter to stack overflow. PG heavily takes advantage of recursion in his code, which exacerbated my poor callback-based interpreter.

At first, I started raising the JVM stack size, hoping I could get through. But, I was beginning to hit stack overflows even when I set the stack size to 900 megabytes. [^2] To make matters worse, writing an interpreter with continuation-passing-style is a nightmare to debug and reason about. Here’s an example of one function — this kind of recursion makes my head spin.

So, off on another break I went.


Then, I opened the project up a week ago. This time, I thought to myself: why don’t I implement my own call stack?

Keeping my own call stack (which is just how PG does it in the Bel source), turned out to be the watershed moment. It was easier to debug, and a bunch of the implementation became simpler. For example, supporting multi-threading was only ~50 lines!

At this point, I was emboldened. Much of Bel was working, but it was slow. In the formal spirit, PG implements the environment as a list for example. This meant every lookup was O(n). Numbers were also implemented as lists, and just + would take too long to run. I was worried that if my interpreter ran PG’s source, it would be intolerably slow.

Clojure Inspiration

So I thought to myself, why don’t I try to make it faster? I loved Clojure’s design decisions, when it came to interop with java. Clojure strings are java strings, clojure numbers are java numbers.

So, I went with that spirit. I leaked java.util.HashMap into Bel, and used that as the environment. That was a huge speedup. After that, I leaked java numbers, strings, and chars [^3]. Bel began to take a pragmatic shape.

The Current State

At this point, the interpreter supports much of Bel, but has diverted from the formal specification in a few ways. Numbers are Clojure numbers, and Strings are a separate type. The most crucial missing feature are streams: I think we’d want to seep Java streams, but I haven’t thought deeply about it yet.

It’s still slow [^4], and I’m certain there many bugs to overcome. But, it’s fun to use as a REPL 🙂


Implementing Bel has given me quite an appreciation for the source. Bel is powerful. When defining the whole language in itself, the language designer is forced to expose access to all the constructs they need, and that means the user of the language is as powerful as the designer.


For example, PG introduces a new construct called lit. It’s like a persistent quote:

(quote a)
> a 
(lit a) 
> (lit a)

Why would you need this? Well, if you’re trying to define “primitive types” in your language, like functions or numbers, you’d want them to evaluate to themselves. So PG takes advantage of lit to do just this. For example, here’s how he represents functions:

(lit clo nil (x) (+ x 1))

Functions are lists, just like something the language user could write. If you wanted to create your own primitive type — say “keywords”, it would look conceptually similar:

(lit kw foo)
> (lit kw foo)

globe, scope

And how about closures? To support that, whenever a function is defined, PG needs a way to “inject” the current lexical scope. So, he introduces globe and scope: variables that expose the actual interpreter environment. Now he can write something like this:

(mac fn (params body)
  `(list 'lit 'clo scope ',params ',body))

So when a fn is defined, it just generates a list, with the current scope plopped inside:

((fn (y) (fn (x) (+ x y)) 1)
> (lit clo {y 1} (x) (+ x y))

I don’t know of a different language that gives you access to the environment in this way. It was pretty cool to see how simple it was to define something like fn


I was also surprised with his macros. I traditionally thought macros ran once during compile time. But his macros are “ever-present”, and are available at runtime. He defines a macro as a simple lit which keeps a closure. This closure is run over the arguments it receives, before they’re evaluated.

(lit mac (lit clo ...))

This isn’t unique to Bel, But I thought the way we could define defmacro, was pretty cool:

(set defmacro
  (lit mac
    (lit clo nil (n p e)
      (list 'set n
            (list 'lit 'mac
                  (list 'lit 'clo nil p e))))))

This is a macro-defining macro!


The “defining the language” thinking shows up with how PG specs out errors. For example, he says that whenever there’s an error, the interpreter can’t just give up. Instead, it must call the err function with a message.

(car 'a) ;; uh oh, this is an error, interpreter calls (err 'bad-arg)

By making this axiom, it now lets PG control how errors happen. For example, say we want to do something special with the err function. We could do this:

(dyn err (fn (x) 'hello) (car 'a))
> hello

Here, we redefined err, to a function that returns 'hello. All of a sudden, we have half of what we need to implement error catching.


The other half, comes from continuations. Before Bel I had heard of continuations, but I never seriously used a language that supported them. As I said before, continuations let you go to a certain point in a program’s execution.

To get a better sense of what I mean, let’s look at an example PG uses in his guide:

(list 'a (ccc (fn (c) (set cont c) 'b)))
> (a b)

Here, we start a computation (list 'a ...). This runs (ccc (fn () ...)) and returns the result 'b, which completes (list 'a 'b), and returns (a b).

But now watch this:

(cont 'z)
> (a z)
(cont 'w)
> (a w)

The callback in ccc gave us c, a continuation. Whenever we call it, it’s as though we “went back” to when our interpreter was computing (list a ...), but this time instead of returning 'b , we return 'z. We then do that again but with 'w.

Why do we need it? Well, let’s say you want to do some kind of error catching. Here’s how you could do it:

(ccc (fn (c) 
        (dyn err (fn (x) (c 'uhohgotanerror))
          (car 'b))))
> uhohgotanerror

All of a sudden, you can implement a whole suite of cool macros, like eif, safe, and onerr, with a few lines of code:

(onerr 'oops (car 'a))
> 'oops

At first I was skeptical with continuations, but one thing is clear: they are a more fundamental abstraction than exceptions. You can implement exceptions with continuations, but you can’t implement continuations with exceptions. If power is your priority, than they are more powerful.


I’m not sure how much this is a consequence of writing a language in itself, but I found a grab-bag of great functions and macros I hadn’t seen before in other languages. Here are some really fun ones.

The eif macro, returns one branch if there’s an error:

(eif x (car 'a)
> oops

The aif macro, which evaluates the test expression, but lets you access the result as the variable it:

(map (fn (x)
        (aif (cdr x) (car it)))
  '((a) (b c) (d e f) (g)))
> (nil c e nil)

The of function, which applies one function to all arguments, and gives those results to another one:

((of + car) x y z)
;; same as -> 
(+ (car x) (car y) (car z))

And upon, which lets you save arguments and apply them to different functions:

(map (upon '(a b c)) 
     (list car cadr cdr))
> (a b (b c))


Perhaps the most fun thing I saw, which I immediately wished was available in clojure was the shorthand syntax:

For example, composition:

;; same as ->
(compose foo bar baz)

And whenver you need to get the “opposite” of a function:

;; same as ->
(compose no foo)

There’s two really nice list creation abbreviations too:

;; same as ->
(foo a)
;; same as ->
(foo 'a)

This kind of stuff seems small and inconsequential, but it's significant in practice. I think it may be because though it seems like it's about saving keystrokes, it's actually about giving your mind a shorthand to think with.

My one big gripe

The one thing that made me hesitant, was the underlying pair primitive in Bel. It’s mutable. On one hand, I can understand the decision, as if you’re trying to answer “how can I formally define a complete language?”, I think immutability wouldn’t be critical.

But, after immutability in Clojure, I’m convinced it’s the way that we should all be programming. It models reality better, and it makes concurrency a magnitude simpler [^5].

Still, I’m not sure an implementation of Bel necessarily has to have mutability as core to the language. It may be just as good to “seep” clojure’s Peristent Seq, atom, and make threads actual system threads. We’d come to a pretty darn cool language.

One Fun Experiment

Perhaps the most interesting meta lesson, is to approach projects with naivete and play. If I had known this would have taken 3 different interpreter implementations, I would have been more hesitant to have started, but boy am I glad I did. I learned a lot. It’s still a toy, and there’s still a lot of work to do, but the journey itself was worth it.

I suggest you try it out, and hey, if you want to take it further, the source is out there 🙂.

Thanks Alex Reichert, Alexandre Lebrun, Daniel Woelfel, Dennis Heihoff, Joe Averbukh, Julien Odent, Martin Raison, Sean Grove for reviewing drafts of this essay

[^1]: For quasiquotes specifically, Clojure’s reader doesn’t directly give us access. I thought Brian Carper’s SO answer was cool. [^2]: I’m not 100% sure the JVM respects the setting so high, but I tried different numbers and it seemed to push the interpreter further. [^3]: Alas, this meant that I wouldn’t be able to support the \bel char, but I think it was worth the simplicity win. [^4]: Martin had a really fun thought: Since Bel and Clojure are so similar, he wonders how much of Bel could be transpiled on the fly to clojure code. In effect our humble interpreter would have JIT compilation! [^5]: The other alternative is to go the way of Rust, and have the compiler help you with mutable data.