stoprocent / VGParallaxHeader

Only Parallax Header Class that should work with all kinds of Table Views and Scroll Views while using Auto Layout.
MIT License
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Move back and it scrolls to top #16

Open uzman opened 9 years ago

uzman commented 9 years ago

Hi, there is a problem.

i tried it on iOS 7.1 and 8.3.

can you help?

stoprocent commented 9 years ago

Can you attach some sample code. I cant help you without more details man

uzman commented 9 years ago

i tried with your sample. i put a Button in scrollview (Scroll2 tab), it opens a new view controller.

-(IBAction)openTest:(id)sender{ TestViewController *vc = [[TestViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"TestViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES]; }

stoprocent commented 9 years ago

Ok I will have a look and let you know :)

maxep commented 9 years ago

Hi @stoprocent ! I have the same issue on the MXSegmentedPager. Going back on a navigation controller will cause a recall to setParallaxHeaderView:mode:height: which will add the header instead of replacing it. I guess the setParallaxHeaderView:mode:height: should remove the current header before setting a new one.

I take the occasion to thank you for this project. I've tried several parallax header to integrate, but your one was the most generic and well designed!


stoprocent commented 9 years ago

Guys Im so loaded at current work it's hard to find some time to address issues like this. I will try to find some time very soon