storacha-network / specs

🏅 Technical specifications for the w3up protocol stack
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Proposal inbox protocol #24

Open Gozala opened 1 year ago

Gozala commented 1 year ago

This is an idea that came up during the call today:

Why do this ?

  1. This makes the easiest way to get content online!
  2. This makes it possible to use without UCANs or anything other than native HTTP stack
  3. Allows ppl to use service first than become a user as opposed to having to become a user first, removing all the hurdles

What not do this ?

  1. This could become a malware distribution mechanism
    • Perhaps we could mitigate this by keeping expiry short enough
      • If content is only served for 5 mins unless accepted by recipient
      • Recipient can accept within 7 days
jchris commented 1 year ago

I think this was also in the context of @mikeal saying we could treat attestations by a site that the current session is owned by user with email as enough to start the process you describe here. So I guess we might limit access to the PUT api to trusted users?

In the context of user-owned user-paid spaces (like w3ui default flow) maybe we could use the idea of a temporary space to allow users to upload and interact before they click the email link.

Gozala commented 1 year ago

I think this was also in the context of @mikeal saying we could treat attestations by a site that the current session is owned by user with email as enough to start the process you describe here. So I guess we might limit access to the PUT api to trusted users?

It was in the context, however I was making a case that we don’t need that hurdle. As I mentioned in the call I can already email you a file if I know your address and I don’t anyone’s permission to do so.

Why not make just as easy and convenient. That way it could be used in contexts where user doesn’t even need to be logged into anything, suddenly making it perfect fit far all the open source projects out there