Open joshJarr opened 2 years ago
Need to investigate whether this is a regular request & it warrants looking into.
There are a few options:
The five steps we currently use to explain this to users:
When creating a new record:
value: Uint8Array,
signature: Uint8Array,
validityType: 0,
validity: Uint8Array,
sequence: 2
Let's start with updating the YAML file with all the necessary steps
Testing manual IPNS creation with CLI tools:
Create a name and copy the outputted k5 key
ipfs key gen test
Export the private key to a file
ipfs key export --format pem-pkcs8-cleartext --output test.key test
Create an Protobuf definition ipns.proto
file with the following content
syntax = "proto2";
message IpnsEntry {
enum ValidityType {
// setting an EOL says "this record is valid until..."
EOL = 0;
// deserialized copy of data[value]
optional bytes value = 1;
// legacy field, verify 'signatureV2' instead
optional bytes signatureV1 = 2;
// deserialized copies of data[validityType] and data[validity]
optional ValidityType validityType = 3;
optional bytes validity = 4;
// deserialized copy of data[sequence]
optional uint64 sequence = 5;
// record TTL in nanoseconds, a deserialized copy of data[ttl]
optional uint64 ttl = 6;
// in order for nodes to properly validate a record upon receipt, they need the public
// key associated with it. For old RSA keys, its easiest if we just send this as part of
// the record itself. For newer Ed25519 keys, the public key can be embedded in the
// IPNS Name itself, making this field unnecessary.
optional bytes pubKey = 7;
// the signature of the IPNS record
optional bytes signatureV2 = 8;
// extensible record data in DAG-CBOR format
optional bytes data = 9;
Create a example.json
"value": "bafybeic7zrcqvhanfwl4o7ei3565o55ovu7bnrqdocumj6pg6s6dfskpvy",
"validity": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z",
"validityType": 0,
"sequence": 1,
"ttl": 999
Install npm install cbor-cli
and protobuf
Serialize example.json
echo "69706e732d7369676e61747572653a"$(npx json2cbor example.json) > signatureV2
Sign, this is the value of signatureV2
openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey test.key -rawin -in signatureV2 | openssl enc -base64
Create an
file. The data field is the serialised CBOR from example.json
validity: "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z",
value: "bafybeic7zrcqvhanfwl4o7ei3565o55ovu7bnrqdocumj6pg6s6dfskpvy"
signatureV2: "NnxTpcQW94FMuDeRN088vmlewEw0kNGRHRydBEEft4VnIUMa/mB+2iaGjvUy4/1n\nYq86BxTAn4GL8U7qpzPzCA=="
sequence: 1
ttl: 999
pubKey: "k51qzi5uqu5dh4ui598wd8hnuqck51hoqld4ojqoq6j6keun25p6s2t7lro78a"
data: "69706e732d7369676e61747572653aa56576616c7565783b6261667962656963377a7263717668616e66776c346f376569333536356f35356f767537626e7271646f63756d6a3670673673366466736b7076796876616c6964697479781e323032332d30312d30315430303a30303a30302e3030303030303030315a6c76616c696469747954797065006873657175656e6365016374746c1903e7"
Encode with ProtoBuf
cat | protoc ipns.proto --encode=IpnsEntry | basenc --base64url > entry.serialised.base64
POST to w3name
curl -X POST --data '@entry.serialised.base64'
We currently have little tangible documentation on how to use the w3name HTTP API in tandem with the Kubo CLI. This would be useful for builds that cannot use the Node client library.