storageos /

Public documentation for StorageOS, persistent storage for Docker and Kubernetes
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update #292

Open romdalf opened 3 years ago

romdalf commented 3 years ago

Modify the script to:

Output examples:

If don't want to install:

curl -fsSL |bash Welcome to the STORAGEOS self-evaluation installation script.
Self-Evaluation guide:
   This deployment is suitable for testing purposes only.

Checking requirements:
  Checking Kubectl.......................................OK
  Checking node count (minimum 3)........................OK (3)
  Checking for exiting STORAGEOS cluster.................NO

The script will deploy a STORAGEOS cluster: 
  STORAGEOS cluster named self-evaluation.
  STORAGEOS version v2.4.0-rc.1 into namespace kube-system.
    /!\ v2.4.0-rc.1: Release Candidate are not intended for production deployment.
  etcd into namespace storageos-etcd.
The installation process will stop on any encountered error.

Proceed with these settings? (y/n) n

Usage: ./ [OPTION]...
Install a STORAGEOS Self-Evaluation cluster on Kubernetes.

  -c       STORAGEOS cluser name.
  -v       STORAGEOS version to deploy.

Eg: ./ -c demo-cluster -v v2.4.0-rc.1
    curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -c demo-cluster -v v2.4.0-rc.1


If no variables:

curl -fsSL |bash 

Welcome to the STORAGEOS self-evaluation installation script.
Self-Evaluation guide:
   This deployment is suitable for testing purposes only.

Checking requirements:
  Checking Kubectl.......................................OK
  Checking node count (minimum 3)........................OK (3)
  Checking for exiting STORAGEOS cluster.................NO

The script will deploy a STORAGEOS cluster: 
  STORAGEOS cluster named self-evaluation.
  STORAGEOS version v2.4.0-rc.1 into namespace kube-system.
    /!\ v2.4.0-rc.1: Release Candidate are not intended for production deployment.
  etcd into namespace storageos-etcd.
The installation process will stop on any encountered error.

Proceed with these settings? (y/n) y
Starting STORAGEOS deployment:
  Is it OpenShift?.......................................NO
  Creating etcd namespace................................OK (storageos-etcd)
  Creating etcd ClusterRoleBinding.......................OK
  Creating etcd ClusterRole..............................OK
  Creating etcd operator deployment......................OK
    Waiting on etcd operator to be running...............OK
  Creating etcd cluster..................................OK
  Creation STORAGEOS operator deployment.................OK (v2.4.0-rc.1)
    Waiting on STORAGEOS operator to be running..........OK
  Creating STORAGEOS API secret..........................OK
  Creating STORAGEOS cluster.............................OK (kube-system)
    Waiting on STORAGEOS pods to be running..............OK
  Deploying STORAGEOS CLI as a pod.......................OK
    Waiting on STORAGEOS CLI pod to be running...........OK

Your STORAGEOS Cluster now is up and running!

Now would be a good time to deploy your first volume - see
for an example of how to mount a StorageOS volume in a pod

Get your Free Forever Developer license - see
A cluster can run unlicensed for 24 hours. Normal functioning of the cluster
can be unlocked by applying for a Free Forever Developer licence.

This cluster has been set up with an etcd based on ephemeral
storage. It is suitable for evaluation purposes only - for
production usage please see our etcd installation nodes at

with variables:

curl -fsSL |bash -s -- -c demo-cluster -v v2.3.3Welcome to the STORAGEOS self-evaluation installation script.
Self-Evaluation guide:
   This deployment is suitable for testing purposes only.

Checking requirements:
  Checking Kubectl.......................................OK
  Checking node count (minimum 3)........................OK (3)
  Checking for exiting STORAGEOS cluster.................NO

The script will deploy a STORAGEOS cluster: 
  STORAGEOS cluster named demo-cluster.
  STORAGEOS version v2.3.3 into namespace kube-system.
  etcd into namespace storageos-etcd.
The installation process will stop on any encountered error.

Proceed with these settings? (y/n) y
Starting STORAGEOS deployment:
  Is it OpenShift?.......................................NO
  Creating etcd namespace................................OK (storageos-etcd)
  Creating etcd ClusterRoleBinding.......................OK
  Creating etcd ClusterRole..............................OK
  Creating etcd operator deployment......................OK
    Waiting on etcd operator to be running...............OK
  Creating etcd cluster..................................OK
  Creation STORAGEOS operator deployment.................OK (v2.3.3)
    Waiting on STORAGEOS operator to be running..........OK
  Creating STORAGEOS API secret..........................OK
  Creating STORAGEOS cluster.............................OK (kube-system)
    Waiting on STORAGEOS pods to be running..............OK
  Deploying STORAGEOS CLI as a pod.......................OK
    Waiting on STORAGEOS CLI pod to be running...........OK

Your STORAGEOS Cluster now is up and running!

Now would be a good time to deploy your first volume - see
for an example of how to mount a StorageOS volume in a pod

Get your Free Forever Developer license - see
A cluster can run unlicensed for 24 hours. Normal functioning of the cluster
can be unlocked by applying for a Free Forever Developer licence.

This cluster has been set up with an etcd based on ephemeral
storage. It is suitable for evaluation purposes only - for
production usage please see our etcd installation nodes at