storborg / dram

Keeping your package manager packaged.
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Make environment creators more extensible / scriptable #9

Open storborg opened 8 years ago

storborg commented 8 years ago

Not sure of good ways to do this, but it should be easy to add a new creator.

storborg commented 8 years ago

Here's my thinking for how to implement this in a way that doesn't involve managing massive namespaces or making things really hard to share:

  1. Split out existing 'creators' into folder built into dram, with a shell script per creator named like,, etc.
  2. Allow the user to augment or override the built-in creators with a directory like ~/.dramrc/creators.
  3. Mayyybe also allow specifying a shell script as a path or an http(s) URL on the command line, so you could do something like dram create -t my-dram-name.